Connection tracking

  • I'm having some kind of connectivity problem between my Windows web servers and my database, and I don't know how to even research it, much less fix it. I have confirmed that a recurring error on my Linux servers is caused when a Windows web server has its "unknown connection problem" to my database. When the connection "problem" occurs, the Windows server stops placing uploads in the network pickup folder but submits the pickup job to the database anyway. The Linux boxes accept the pickup job, go to grab the file on the network, and it's not there. When the problem occurs, it usually happens to multiple web servers simultaneously, and occurring to all of them at once is not uncommon. At worst, the problem has continued for 12+ hours; at best, <30 minutes. The known fix is to restart IIS on the Windows server which closes all the database connections.

    So what I want to do is run something from the web servers when we see the errors on the Linux boxes that can hopefully determine which connection to the database from that server is hosed. Any ideas?

  • When you say 'database' is this Linux process even trying to connect to SQL Server or is it just putting files in a folder?

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