Consistency Errors

  • Hi

    I have one database which size is 50 GB right now on sqlserver 2000 server box. I have cosistency errors in the database frequently after i fixed it and I checked the harddiks drive on server but i didnt find any errors in the disk. Do u have any idea why does it happend frequeltly in the database?

    Please guide me to solve the issue

    Thanks in advance




    Kindest Regards,


  • There's plenty in BOL and Technet about dbcc commands.  Asking for this type of help is way to vague and doesn't help us help you. Consistancy errors are bad news and if they are re-occuring then you need to find out why and fix it. Make sure you have adequate backups in case you can't recover your database.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hi karthik,

    Did you look at Event Viewer (System) to see if there is any errors to disk ? My past experience in DBCC errors are all related to disk problems.

    Since disks are pretty cheap nowadays, I would replace them with new ones instead of keep fixing the errors. Make sure you back them up before you replace them.

    I also have a friend called Karthik. Do you recognize my name ?

    Jimmy Jen

  • Thanks Jimmy Jen,

    One of my hard disk failed in the array controller and raised ticket to the vendor to replace it immediately. gimme ur email id.




    Kindest Regards,


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