Continuous replication

  • HI, I have SQL replication, after some network modifications by our SA, the distributor coudln't connect to the subscriber. After 72 hours, SQL made all the replication articles as inactive.

    According to MS, I updated the field status in the MSsubscriptions table, replication re started but fell for consistency reasons.

    I changed the distribution agent profile to continue on error, since that time replication started. My question, how can I syncronize data between both machines and reverse the distribution agent profile to stop on error

    Thanks a lot


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  • Easiest way is to just reinitialize the publication and send over a new snapshot. You want it to fail on error or not?


  • Hi and Thanks. First, Yes I want replication to fail on error.

    Second, I tried the option Reinitializ all, I get the following message displayed :


    This will mark the subscriptions that support automatic initialization for reinitialization.

    Reinitialization will occur the next time the SnapShot Agent and distribution Agent run.

    Subscriptions that were initialized manually will not be marked.

    Are you sur...........................


    No snapshot is generated for my articles. One thing I absolutly don't want to do is to destroy and re configure the subscribtions as indicated in BOL

  • Reinitializing will destroy the data on the subscriber, if you push a snapshot.


  • If you don't want to apply a new snapshot, you will have to manually insert all the missing recors in your subscribers, and update all the different records, too.

    Since the subscription, expired, the distribution db didn't save all the transactions to apply, so you have your db not on sync.

    The easiest way it to reinitialize the subscriptions, and then apply a new snapshot.

    If you already reinitialize toy subscription, you will have to apply the snapshot, unless you manually sincronize your db, drop the publication and subscribe your subscribers without the inicial snapshot.

  • I will try to be more clear.

    What I would like to know if it is possible to sync the subscriber without dropping anything because I have an ebusiness web site running 24/24 7/7.

    As I said, my subscriptions were configured manually so when I can never reinitialize (generating a snapshot) as I understood from BOL. IN BOL it indicates when configuring a subscriber, we have 2 choices either replicate schema and data (considered by sql as automatic), or No subscriber has already schema and data (considered manual by sql).

    My subscription is manual and when I choose reinitialize it doesn't generate a snapshot.

    If I understand well from the last post, I need to manually update the 2 tables in the 2 databases, then run validate to check if they are sync ?

    If this is the case, I should think that MS has a lot of thinks to improve in SQL


  • The only way to keep in sync your subscribers, will be by executing the missing inserts and updates manually. By a script of your creation. Then you can check if they are the same, with validation or using checksum and counts, or whatever you want.

    If you choose to create a manual subscription, then SQL espects that the subscriber will always have the same data that the publisher, so they will stay in sync.

    For example, I have created a process, that is similar to applying the snapshot, but it olny will insert the missing records, and update the diferent ones.

  • This is the conclusion I arrived after reading the BOL.

    What I wanted to say is instead of a script created manually for each table, why MS didn' MS added a choice to sync data only without schema as other replication tools.

    I don't think it is so complicated in SQL to add the insert/Update nativly to help administrators.

    Anyway, thanks for all of you

  • Also I want to add that when you have several articles when there is an sync error,

    SQL doesn't indicate exactly which table is halting the whole replication.

    In case you have 40 or 50 replicated tables................wooop

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