contradicting server name

  • My SQL servers name is (lets say) ServerXYZ. It used to be ServerABC, and I don't know what steps were taken in SQL when the name changed. Everything seems okay, and therefore I have only noticed this after some time, but if I run select @@servername it returns the old name ServerABC and it also reports this name in the SQL logs when starting up. Other references like in EM use the correct name.

    Could this cause any problems and how could I rectify this?


  • From QA try

    sp_dropserver old_server_name


    sp_addserver new_server_name, local


    This will update sysservers table, see BOL.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 03/22/2002 08:33:45 AM

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