Control Flow Stops

  • Hi

    I have a package with several tasks (10). I have a precedence constraint set between 2 tasks (between no.5 and no.6) that is set to constraint (true) and expression. Both must evaluate too true to move to the next task. This works fine but when the control flow completes task no.6 it stops and doesn't continue to the remaining tasks (no's 7-10).

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Strange. And if you remove the constraint it works ok? Are you sure that the problem is linked to the constraint?


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Yes, the package works fine without the constraint and expression

  • Probably It should not happen... Its really strange. Better to give some more details related to Control Flow...

  • I have attached a screen shot of it

  • Can anybody else come up with some ideas that might help?

  • I wonder if it could be because you have 2 precedence constraints going to that item and only one of them has it's condition met.

    Try removing the constraint from the disabled item to see if it makes a difference.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

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  • Hi Alvin

    Thanks for the reply.It appears that is the case. What's the best way to steer the control flow to do one of 2 tasks based on a variable value?

  • I need to know why do you have that dataflow disabled before I suggest a solution.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

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  • i disabled it when i was trying to figure out what was going wrong. The problem seems to be when it gets to the task with 2 precedence constraints coming into it then one doesn't have a result ie success,failure, or completion as it hasn't run the task that was skipped due to the expression. Is there a way to ignore the constraint that doesn't have a result?

  • Will you ever have a situation where both the pre 2008 and the 2008 onwards dataflows both get executed during the same run?

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Thanks for your help Alvin, I've made some changes to the sql to accommodate this.

  • May I ask what?

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • the sql references a table with years that are to be collected, for pre 2008 i used less than 2008 and whatever was in the table. So if year in the table is greater than 2008 then it returns nothing. The same goes for post 2008

    Thanks again

  • Now that I think of it, I have had this situation in the past too - I had a very elegant (or so I thought) control flow and I discovered this problem. It's as if the package decides that it should wait for input from the preceding process before continuing. That input never arrives, so the package hangs.

    I ended up adjusting my package to avoid this scenario.


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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