Conversion failed when convertig date and/or time from character string

  • I am designing a reporting in Business Intelligence design studio. In query designer i have a

    a query as:

    SELECT UserId, Class, SumInvoiceValue, SumCostPrice, Margin, Invoice_Date

    FROM View_telesales

    WHERE (Invoice_Date BETWEEN '@StartDate' AND '@EndDate')

    In my report i also have two paramters: @StartDate and @EndDate

    When i attempt to run the report i am getting the error message:

    Conversion failed when convertig date and/or time from character string.

    The date Invoice_Date field in SQL server is a date datatype. Please could you help

  • WHERE (Invoice_Date BETWEEN '@StartDate' AND '@EndDate')

    remove the single quotes - you have turned your variables in to strings

    '@StartDate' should be @StartDate


  • The quotes have been removed. I have checked and ran the report again. I am still getting the same message:

    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

  • a couple of options then

    .. is the field in the database a date or datetime field?

    .. is your report passing dates in the wrong format ... easy to test - set the dates to values before the 13th day of the month (eg 12/01/2012) , if it works and when you try and pass in 13/01/2012 then you know it's the date format or connection setting


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