convert 2000 db to 2008 r2 db

  • Upgrade to 2008r2 from 2000. Backup the 2000 db and restore to 2008 r2. Create all application users and add all the role and right same as 2000.

    When I point the appl to new 2008 r2 db, it said my application user does not have 'execute' right to one stored procedure.

    But when I point back to 2000 db, everything is OK. The application is up as usual.

    I find out that my appl user does not have 'execute' right for that stored procedure too on 2000.

    It seems I am missing something. Anything is default in 2000 but I need to grant manually??

    Or anything about right or role I do not pay attention when upgrading from 2000 to 2008 r2.

    Hope anyone can give me some advices

    Thanks a lot

  • Is this a user defined stored proc or a system one?

    the user might be dbo or sysadmin on the 2000 server or the proc might have execute permissions granted in the public role.

    How to post to get the best help[/url]

  • it is a user defined SP!!

  • is the user in sysadmin server role on the 2000 box or is the user dbo (not db_owner role) of database on the 2000 box?

    How to post to get the best help[/url]

  • What the the default schema for the user and stored procedure?

  • the stored procedure schema is dbo

    the user AA and its default schema is AA

  • Are you using a fully qualified name (database.schema.object) when you're calling the procedure?

  • In SQL 2008, if you want a specific user to be able to execute any stored proc (existing ones and newly created ones), you can do this:

    USE <your_db_name>

    GRANT EXECUTE TO <user_name> --there is no "ON" clause

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • thanks...after grant the execute right to the user, it works now. I think this is good one

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