convert char to money

  • I need to be able to add a char column that is filled with dollar amounts and also account for the fact there would be decimals. For instance,

    What I have :




    What I need it to be:




    Than I need to take those values with the decimals and add them together to make one single record. Any ideas?

  • Hi could you post you DDL. Do you need to convert the data to a decimal and move it somewhere? Or do you just need the output in a decimal form?


  • No Idea.

    I have no idea what you mean by "Than I need to take those values with the decimals and add them together to make one single record."

    Declare @Table table (pk int identity, Value1 varchar(10), Value2 varchar(10))

    Insert into @Table (Value1, Value2)

    values (243456, 234567)

    Insert into @Table (Value1, Value2)

    values (666456, 111567)

    select convert(money,abs(Value1)* .01), convert(money,abs(Value2) * .01),

    Convert(money,(abs(Value1) * .01) + (abs(Value2) * .01))

    from @Table

    Then you want to add them together and convert it to a Money datatype?

    Or are these rows your talking about



    If so how do we know what rows to add together?

    Please Post a Create Table Statement, with insert statements with the data you see.

    Please Read

  • Basically I need a summation of the converted data to the decimal. So my final output for those two records would be


    + 2345.67


    So the end result would be the summation of the records in decimal form.



  • this should do the trick

    hth Mike

    drop table #tests

    create table #tests


     valone char(20),

     valtwo char(20)


    insert into #tests values('12345','23456')

    insert into #tests values('22345','33456')

    insert into #tests values('32345','43456')

    insert into #tests values('42345','53456')

    --data is stored in one var sum rows

    select sum(cast(valone as money))/100 as sum_valone_rows_as_decimal from #tests

  • I understand that.

    But you need to tell us if 2434.56 and 2345.67 are in 2 different fields in the same row?, or if the 2 values are in the same field on 2 different rows?

    Please present us with an example of what the data looks like in the table when you do a

    For example 

    select * from myTable

    Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4

    1, 234354, 'I Have', 'No Clue'

    2 343433, 'I Wish', 'I Did'



  • Mike - did you not post something about the "right questions" just last night ?! Get a sense of deja vu yet ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • sushila sometimes i feel like I am on a merry-go-round the scenes change but You never get anywhere.


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