convert column with numbers to a specific date format

  • @ VIG: Received error message

    'Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.'

  • mic.con87 (1/18/2012)

    @ VIG: Received error message

    'Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.'

    Probably there is data less than 7 characters

    Give me an example of such data, pls

  • There are 0's in the data set when no data was found. The two distinct character lengths are 8 and 1

  • try this


    q as (select CurrentDateFormat

    ,case when CurrentDateFormat=0

    then '19000101'

    else right(CAST(CurrentDateFormat as varchar(8)),4)

    + left(right(CAST(CurrentDateFormat as varchar(8)),6),2)

    + left(CurrentDateFormat,len(CAST (CurrentDateFormat as varchar(8)))-6)

    end dt

    from #Dates d


    select CurrentDateFormat,cast(case when ISDATE(dt)=1 then dt else '19000101' end as datetime)

    from q

  • Works great! Thanks for the alternative method:-)

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