convert crystal to SQL

  • karim.boulahfa (8/7/2013)

    I just trying that but is solve only the 2 and the third telling that the syntax is incorrect.

    You forgot to put the "P" before the + in the last expression.

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  • Still same.

  • I see three iif functions in your expression, but there should only be two. Remove the last one.

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  • Below are instructions for handling your concern in SSRS, the case expression should handle it in SQL.

    I set up a simple data set to make this work, containing the following:


    'c' as event_type,

    1 as incident_ref

    What I gathered from the original Crystal report is that it checks the value of the "event_type" and if it is "c" then it takes the value in "incident_ref" and applies some formatting to it.

    Below is the code to make it do that in SSRS (note the ".value" after both the event_type and incident_ref field references):

    =iif(Fields!Event_Type.Value = "c","R" + Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000"),iif(Fields!Event_Type.value = "i",Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000"),"P" + Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000")))

    With the sample data the report returns the expected result as you can see in the picture.

  • pgt892 (8/7/2013)

    Below are instructions for handling your concern in SSRS, the case expression should handle it in SQL.

    I set up a simple data set to make this work, containing the following:


    'c' as event_type,

    1 as incident_ref

    What I gathered from the original Crystal report is that it checks the value of the "event_type" and if it is "c" then it takes the value in "incident_ref" and applies some formatting to it.

    Below is the code to make it do that in SSRS (note the ".value" after both the event_type and incident_ref field references):

    =iif(Fields!Event_Type.Value = "c","R" + Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000"),iif(Fields!Event_Type.value = "i",Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000"),"P" + Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000")))

    With the sample data the report returns the expected result as you can see in the picture.

    The Expression works but the value dont change (Look pictures):

    This is my sql query:

    SELECT inc_data.event_type, incident.incident_ref, bldng_room.bldng_room_sc, incident.usr_ref, inc_cat.inc_cat_sc, product.product_sc, usr.usr_n, incident.inc_status, incident.date_logged, incident.inc_resolve_act, incident.inc_close_date, incident.inc_resolve_sla, sectn_dept.sectn_dept_sc, inc_prior.inc_prior_sc, incident.callback_rmk, inc_data.total_service_time, sectn_dept.dept_sc, sla.sla_sc, incident.inc_resolve_due, inc_data.u_date1, bldng.address2, sectn_dept.sectn_sc, item.item_sc, item.item_keya

    FROM Assyst.dbo.bldng bldng

    INNER JOIN ((((Assyst.dbo.sectn_dept sectn_dept INNER JOIN

    (Assyst.dbo.inc_cat inc_cat INNER JOIN

    (Assyst.dbo.inc_prior inc_prior INNER JOIN

    ((Assyst.dbo.product product INNER JOIN

    Assyst.dbo.item item ON product.product_id=item.product_id)

    INNER JOIN (Assyst.dbo.inc_data inc_data

    INNER JOIN Assyst.dbo.incident incident ON inc_data.incident_id=incident.incident_id) ON item.item_id=incident.item_id) ON inc_prior.inc_prior_id=incident.inc_prior_id) ON inc_cat.inc_cat_id=incident.inc_cat_id) ON sectn_dept.sectn_dept_id=incident.sectn_dept_id)

    INNER JOIN Assyst.dbo.usr usr ON incident.aff_usr_id=usr.usr_id)

    INNER JOIN Assyst.dbo.sla sla ON incident.sla_id=sla.sla_id)

    INNER JOIN Assyst.dbo.bldng_room bldng_room ON incident.bldng_room_id=bldng_room.bldng_room_id) ON bldng.bldng_id=bldng_room.bldng_id

    WHERE NOT (inc_data.event_type='n' OR inc_data.event_type='p')

    AND NOT (inc_cat.inc_cat_sc=N'RFC BACK-OFFICE' OR inc_cat.inc_cat_sc=N'RMA')

    AND incident.date_logged<{ts '2013-08-07 00:00:00'} and incident.incident_ref = '64169'

    this is a qeury that gets the value in expression1(Picture).jpg

  • What is the result you expect?

    --> Format(Fields!incident_ref.Value,"00000")

    Are you sure the format function is OK? Is "00000" the formatting you need?

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  • What I want. In the picture you see the 2 column 1 with a letter and other with number. I want to combine those to so if it is i then i + the number like 64149 what you see in pictures..

    So the result will be like;


    And so on.

  • karim.boulahfa (8/13/2013)

    What I want. In the picture you see the 2 column 1 with a letter and other with number. I want to combine those to so if it is i then i + the number like 64149 what you see in pictures..

    So the result will be like;


    And so on.

    In the original question you didn't say i + <number>, you just said <number>.

    You just need to do a very simple modification in your expression.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • The qeustion was how can i convert the code in SQL (Expression). When you read the expression its says when event_type is i then + number zo i + 00000..

    Im still searching 🙂

  • For the formatting you can try this,

    Use the case to get the correct character in front (or an empty string), and then add the incident_ref in 5 digits. (include leading zero's if needed)

    CASE Event_Type

    WHEN 'c' THEN 'R'

    WHEN 'i' THEN ''

    ELSE 'P'

    END + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(incident_ref As nvarchar(5) ), 5)


  • Louis Hillebrand (8/14/2013)

    For the formatting you can try this,

    Use the case to get the correct character in front (or an empty string), and then add the incident_ref in 5 digits. (include leading zero's if needed)

    CASE Event_Type

    WHEN 'c' THEN 'R'

    WHEN 'i' THEN ''

    ELSE 'P'

    END + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(incident_ref As nvarchar(5) ), 5)


    I have tweak the qeury and it comes to this;

    select event_type,

    'Event_Type' = CASE

    WHEN 'c' THEN 'R'

    WHEN 'i' THEN ''

    ELSE 'P'

    END + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(incident_ref As nvarchar(5) ), 5)

    from incident, inc_data

    but get the following error;

    Msg 4145, Level 15, State 1, Line 2

    An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'THEN'.

  • karim.boulahfa (8/14/2013)

    Louis Hillebrand (8/14/2013)

    For the formatting you can try this,

    Use the case to get the correct character in front (or an empty string), and then add the incident_ref in 5 digits. (include leading zero's if needed)

    CASE Event_Type

    WHEN 'c' THEN 'R'

    WHEN 'i' THEN ''

    ELSE 'P'

    END + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(incident_ref As nvarchar(5) ), 5)


    I have tweak the qeury and it comes to this;

    select event_type,

    'Event_Type' = CASE

    WHEN 'c' THEN 'R'

    WHEN 'i' THEN ''

    ELSE 'P'

    END + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(incident_ref As nvarchar(5) ), 5)

    from incident, inc_data

    but get the following error;

    Msg 4145, Level 15, State 1, Line 2

    An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'THEN'.

    You need an input_expression for the CASE expression, see BOL.

    Simple CASE expression:

    CASE input_expression

    WHEN when_expression THEN result_expression [ ...n ]

    [ ELSE else_result_expression ]


    So, for your code it will look like this:

    select event_type,

    'Event_Type' = CASE event_type

    WHEN 'c' THEN 'R'

    WHEN 'i' THEN ''

    ELSE 'P'

    END + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(incident_ref As nvarchar(5) ), 5)

    from incident, inc_data

  • Formulas like this can be fully automatically converted.

    Take a look at Crystal Migration Services.

  • rpt2ssrs (8/22/2013)

    Formulas like this can be fully automatically converted.

    Take a look at Crystal Migration Services.[/quote%5D

    Why must I pay for a service if I can do it on my own and the whole world can learn it and sharing!!! That is the best solution!!!

  • karim.boulahfa (8/22/2013)

    rpt2ssrs (8/22/2013)

    Formulas like this can be fully automatically converted.

    Take a look at Crystal Migration Services.[/quote%5D

    Why must I pay for a service if I can do it on my own and the whole world can learn it and sharing!!! That is the best solution!!!

    YOU don't have to pay for anything, but it is an option for others who may want to go that route.

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