Convert Date to number format

  • How can I convert a date to the format yyyymmdd, so that from SELECT getdate () it would appear as 20070424 ?


  • select convert(char(8), getdate(), 112)

  • Hi,

    assume you have a table with four columns (v_start, v_end, t_start, t_end) which are date (dd-mon-yy). how to convert these date to number?

    thanks in advance.

  • Hi All

    I too have a problem with date values comparision... the below is the code


    where @REPORTDATE is declared as DATETIME

    this condition is working in some of the data bases and its not working in some other databases.....

    Are there any settings to be performed in order to do this...?????.


    Thanks ,


  • - advised is to use the (small of needed) datetime format because of datatype and engine-handling.

    - So in stead of querying CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),TRANS_DATE,101)>(@REPORTDATE) just use

        TRANS_DATE> convert(datetime,@REPORTDATE, 101)

    The reason for this is that you always should convert your variables to the datatype of the column in the table you are using. If an index on that column exists, the engine will use the index whereas it will not use the index - at least less optimal - when you convert to column to something else.



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