Convert integers from decimal to binary display.

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Convert integers from decimal to binary display.

  • Here is the result of my Convert-Loop-To-Tally exercise:

    /* Convert signed integer to binary notation: */

    DECLARE @BINval CHAR(39) = '' -- Format: 'xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx'

    ,@INTval INT = 2147483647 -- Positive limit

    --,@INTval INT = -2147483648 -- Negative limit

    SELECT @BINval = CASE WHEN @INTval & power(2, N) > 0 THEN '1' ELSE '0' END /* Determine bit value */

    + CASE WHEN N%4 = 0 THEN ' ' ELSE '' END /* Blks of 4 bits each */

    + @BINval

    FROM [dbo].[Tally] WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE N BETWEEN 0 AND 30 /* Set all but sign bit */

    --ORDER BY N /* My tally tbl PK is N */

    -- Add sign bit

    SELECT @BINval = CASE WHEN @INTval >= 0 THEN '0' ELSE '1' END

    + @BINval

    -- Voila...

    SELECT @BINval

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