CONVERT nvarchar to numeric

  • I need to sum up numeric data from an analysis cube however #miss is shown on the fields with zero data.

    [Column 13] is the column on table #temp It was from its original table nvarchar.

    I am trying to do a convert to 0.00 but am failing with each syntax I am doing.

    CONVERT (decimal(2,2),[Column 13])


    CONVERT (decimal(2,2),[Column 13],2)

    Need some assistance..thanks

  • Your convert function looks fine to me...

    I tried this and it worked:

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE ([Column 13] nvarchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Tmp SELECT '0.00'

    select CONVERT (decimal(2,2),[Column 13]) from @Tmp

    select CONVERT (decimal(2,2),[Column 13],2) from @Tmp

    Have you considered using the IsNumeric() function to check whether the data is numerically convertible or not?

  • Hi Rajib,

    I did the following query:

    SELECT ISNUMERIC(column_13) from #temp

    The column brought back 0 and 1s

    Again this column that has budget data. So values like 100, 105, 105.67, 9845.43, #MISS appear

    I tried to do a SELECT CONVERT(numeric 18,2),column_13) AS convert_col13 INTO #temp2 from #temp but I still get error about unable to convert nvarchar to numeric

  • to convert to 0.00 format you need CONVERT(decimal(3,2),[column 13]) oytherwise you will get a Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric. error. 0,00 is 3 digits long 2 of which are after the decimal place. decimal(2,2) means your answer is 2 digits long of which 2 digits are to the right of the decimal; example .00


  • Tried that and no dice

    SELECT *, CONVERT(decimal(3,2),[Column 13]) AS CONVERT13


  • If you are getting an error please post it


  • add the error, your temp table script, insert script, and anything else that gives everyone a clear picture

  • jsheldon (4/16/2009)

    Hi Rajib,

    I did the following query:

    SELECT ISNUMERIC(column_13) from #temp

    The column brought back 0 and 1s

    Again this column that has budget data. So values like 100, 105, 105.67, 9845.43, #MISS appear

    I tried to do a SELECT CONVERT(numeric 18,2),column_13) AS convert_col13 INTO #temp2 from #temp but I still get error about unable to convert nvarchar to numeric

    The bolded item in your list is at least one of the things that is causing the error. You can't convert '#MISS' to a numeric. You could try doing:


    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), column_13) AS convert_col13





    WHERE -- only do ones that could be numeric.

    ISNUMERIC(column_13) = 1

    You could still get some errors as currency characters, '-', and '.' are among characters that cause isnumeric to return 1.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • try using a CASE statement like

    SELECT column_13

    , CASE ISNUMERIC(column_13)

    WHEN 1 THEN CONVERT(numeric(18,2),column_13)

    ELSE 0.00


    FROM #temp


  • Francis,

    Your code was the best fit...thanks to all for the help...

  • jsheldon (4/20/2009)


    Your code was the best fit...thanks to all for the help...

    Just don't rely on ISNUMERIC being some sort of magical ISALLDIGITS function because it's not. Please see the following thread for all the reasons why not. Frank Kalis and I spent a bit of time at it....

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  • Well thats annoying. Although I (only sort of) accept the E notation being accepted. Anyway the referenced discussion was a interesting read. Thanks for pointing that out.


  • Just wanted to say THANK YOU! this issue was making me crazy.....

  • Hi,

    I have exactly the same issue, and the found that solution perfect but it still getting error.

    My question is: how could I find the row producing error? I am selecting only ISNUMERIC([column]) = 1 however, get the error:

    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.

  • ichv (12/17/2014)


    I have exactly the same issue, and the found that solution perfect but it still getting error.

    My question is: how could I find the row producing error? I am selecting only ISNUMERIC([column]) = 1 however, get the error:

    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.

    Did you read the article mentioned?

    What version of SQL are you using?

    Can you post the query that you're using (the relevant parts)?

    Luis C.
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