convert varchar to datetime, including time

  • Is there a way to convert a varchar to datetime when the string contains the time? Please tell me I don't have to parse it out!

    DECLARE @RdeStartDate datetime


    @rdestartDate = CONVERT(datetime, '200609151540')  --(fails when string contains time)


    @rdestartDate = CONVERT(datetime, '20060915')  --(else it works)

  • The data needs to be in a format SQLServer denotes as datetime.

    '200609151540' is not a datetime it is a string

    '20060915 15:40' is recognizable as a datetime string, with rules to convert.

    Parsing is probably required but shouldn't be too killer and doable inline

    If you know your initial string '200609151540' targetString

    select left(targetString, 8) + ' ' + left(right(targetString, 4),2) + ':' + right(targetString,2)

    from yada

    If you need to have this requirement in multiple areas it would be straight-forward to create a function that takes your datetime string '200609151540' and returns a recognizable datetime string '20060915 15:40'. Note: error catching for '200702312578' would be advisable.


  • Yuck, but ok, that's kind of what i thought.  FWIW, here's what i came up with, made even uglier by the fact that there may or may not be seconds, milliseconds.



    @RdeStartDate datetime

    IF NOT ISDATE(@inDate) = 1


    IF LEN(@inDate) = 12 --assume yyyymmddhhMM

    SET @inDate = LEFT(@inDate, 8) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(@inDate, 9, 2) + ':' + RIGHT(@inDate,2)

    ELSE IF LEN(@inDate) = 14 --assume yyyymmddhhMMss

    SET @inDate = LEFT(@inDate, 8) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(@inDate, 9, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(@inDate, 11, 2) + ':' + RIGHT(@inDate,2)

    ELSE IF LEN(@inDate) > 14 --assume above plus some number of millisecond digits

    SET @inDate = LEFT(@inDate, 8) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(@inDate, 9, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(@inDate, 11, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(@inDate, 13, 2) + '.' + RIGHT(@inDate, LEN(@inDate) - 14)


    SET @rdestartDate = CONVERT(datetime, @inDate)

  • If all you care about in the string is the date portion, then you could just substring off the first chartacters only, and the time will/should default to Midnight.  If you don't care about the time, then this is a prettier fix.



  • This seems simpler and looks like it works OK.

     	[DateTime] =
    	 -- Add hours
     	-- Add minutes
     	-- Add seconds
     	-- Add millseconds, and right fill with zeros
    	 (-- Test Data
    	 Select Mydate = '20071221234455' union all
    	 Select Mydate = '200712212243'  union all
     	Select Mydate = '2007122121'  union all
     	Select Mydate = '20071221'  union all
     	Select Mydate = '20071231224354123' union all
     	Select Mydate = '2007123121425312' union all
     	Select Mydate = '200712312041511' ) a 
    2007-12-21 23:44:55.000
    2007-12-21 22:43:00.000
    2007-12-21 21:00:00.000
    2007-12-21 00:00:00.000
    2007-12-31 22:43:54.123
    2007-12-31 21:42:53.120
    2007-12-31 20:41:51.100
    (7 row(s) affected)

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