Converting Access to MSDE

  • Hello SQLers,

    What I want to do is "convert" an ACCESS 2000 database over to MSDE 2000. I know you can use the Upsizing Wizard in ACCESS but this will not be satisfactory because what we are tryng to do is upgrade a customer's software program and make it as transparent to them as possible. They don't even have Access installed on their PCs, just the JET Engine and all they will have after is MSDE 2000. What I have thought of doing was using a "brute force" method where I will read the ACCESS Database and create the MSDE Database line-by-line. This is not very elegant and I was wondering if someone has a better, practical, and more elegant way of doing this programattically.

    Thank you for your help and suggestions in advance.


  • It sounds like your Access MDB has tables only in it.  If so, you can use the Upsize Wizard to convert the data tables from ACCESS 2000 to MSDE 2000.  Then, just discard the upsized ACCESS MDB, which will just be a shell of Linked table entries pointing to the MSDE 2000 tables.

    Then... the customer's software program will have to be changed to reference the tables in MSDE instead of ACCESS -- but it sounds like you've planned for that step already.


    Bob Monahon

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