converting an excel sheet operation and calculation to a function

  • I want to perform the following operation

    I copied the excel spread sheet that has the calculation required for the function

    assessmentid GradeStatus maxpoint score rownumber assessmentcategory CatWeight deletelowest

    12549 G 100 100 1 301 15 0

    15337 G 100 60 1 302 5 0

    15336 G 100 65 2 302 5 0

    12548 G 100 85 3 302 5 0 0

    15347 G 10 9 4 302 5 0

    15339 G 10 10 5 302 5 0

    15340 G 10 10 6 302 5 0

    15341 G 10 10 7 302 5 0

    15342 G 10 10 8 302 5 0

    15343 G 10 10 9 302 5 0

    15344 G 10 10 10 302 5 0

    15345 G 10 10 11 302 5 0

    15346 G 10 10 12 302 5 0

    12543 G 100 66 1 303 40 1

    12542 G 100 70 2 303 40 1

    12544 G 100 90 3 303 40 1

    2389 G 100 74 1 304 40 1

    2360 G 100 85 2 304 40 1


    categoryid catweight TotalScore TotalMaxPoints perc perc =(catweight*totalscore*1.0)/ TotalMaxPoints

    301 5 299 390 3.833333333 else TotalMaxPoints

    302 15 100 100 15 end)

    304 40 85 100 34

    303 40 160 200 32

    100 84.83333333

    final percentage= 84.83333333 final percentage= (SUM( perc)*100.0)/SUM(catweight)

    we need to divide by total catweight because may be one of the categories has all null numbers so it will not be included

    we are excluding null scores and delete lowest ones.

  • Please here is my function that needs improvement to perform what is mentioned in the excel spreadsheet

    Thanks in advance

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_UpToNowPercentage_dropL_table]

    ( @SectionID int,

    @StudentID int


    RETURNS table




    select SUM( (catweight*totalscore*1.0)/(case when TotalMaxPoints =0 then 1

    else TotalMaxPoints

    end))*100.0/SUM(catweight) as perc1


    ( select catweight,assessmentCategory,

    sum(score) as totalscore,sum(

    (case when gradestatus='C' then 0

    else maxpoint

    end)) as totalmaxpoints

    from (select




    as maxpoint,

    AP.points as score,



    partition by studentid,A.sectionid,Assessmentcategory

    order by (ap.points*1.0/a.points)) as rownumber ,




    from GradeBook.Assessment A

    inner join

    GradeBook.AssessmentPoint AP



    inner join

    GradeBook.GBCategory GC



    where A.SectionID=@sectionid

    and studentid=@studentid

    and a.points >0

    and ap.points is not null

    and a.deleted=0


    ap.points >=0


    where S.rownumber >deletelowest

    group by assessmentCategory,catweight) T


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