Converting text file to Visual Foxpro File Format

  • Hi,

    Can any one guide me how to convert the text file to Visual Foxpro File Format using the DTS?


    Kindest Regards,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I discovered over a year ago that either with the Export Wizard in EM or with a DTS package, you can export SQL data to Visual Fox Pro with the DBase iii/iv driver.


    Hope that helps.


  • Hi Dab,

    Thanks for you information. But, what do you mean Dbase iii/iv driver? How to do that? Can you give me some more clues.


    Kindest Regards,


  • Once you've created your package, you will need two connections, one for your SQL server and one for Dbase iii/iv. In the 'Connection' pane click the icons to create the SQL connection and the icon for 'Other Connection'. When you click the 'Other Connection' object make sure in the Data Source drop down that you've selected Dbase iii or Dbase iv. If you are creating a new db, then just select a path where you want the file stored. The DTS package will create it when it runs. Otherwise select the FoxPro .db file that you want to the data exported.



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