Cool Projects

  • Jeff Moden - Friday, July 14, 2017 6:40 AM

    Heh... it's almost as bad as trying to convince Microsoft that there's a need for a high performance, built in "Tally" sequence generator.

    I don't know, Jeff.  You might have better luck with Moden Fuel than with Microsoft.  At least you got a response from the Navy.

    That Connect item celebrated its 10-year anniversary earlier this year and there's no decision and no action at all.

  • The most interesting things for me involve digging into SQL Server under the hood.  I enjoy working with the DMVs to go searching for problems before they find me.  I especially like performance tuning, trying to eek out every little bit of performance out a particular piece of code.  Figuring out how to automate DBA tasks is another thing I really enjoy - it's cool to do and helps make my life easier at the same time.

    I've also come to enjoy helping others.  Whether it's helping tune something at work or speaking at a PASS meeting, I find the hours of preparation to be completely worth the investment of time.  It's rewarding to help others learn something new and cool.  It's even better if it helps them in their career.  Maybe this is middle-age altruism, if that's even a thing.

  • Quite enjoyed building an ETL framework using Python and Apache Spark.
    Doing loads with Pandas, HP Vertica & RedShift.

    The one I'm most enthusiastic about is encouraging colleagues to write about what they do.

  • In addition to the usual mundane tasks that a DBA does daily, I'm also the go-to for performance optimization which is something I enjoy, because it exercises my knowledge of SQL Server. As far as projects, I'm working on an internal application that we call the DBA Dashboard. It is basically an ASP.NET MVC front end for system information reports. A collection of PowerShell scripts and jobs poll and aggregate DMV, SQLAgent, etc. data across 200+ SQL Servers and consolidate it sort of a star-schema type database model. It's not only used by DBAs, but also other IT staff can use it to do things like select from a list of servers and get an active session report and then drill down on the wait stats, SQL text, execution plan etc. So, application developers now have access to this without us having to grant them DMV query permission on the production servers directly. Eventually, the dashboard GUI will be smart phone compatible (pending some technical and governance challenges), and it will also have a SlackBot interface, so that anyone with access to the #dbadashboard Slack channel can post a question like "DBA, is ATLPROD892 up?" or "DBA, what changed on ATLPROD892 ?" and then get an answer back in the form of a text based resultset.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Manie Verster - Friday, July 14, 2017 1:18 AM

    Colin Daley - Friday, August 23, 2013 5:02 PM

    Again! If this keeps up I am going to have to find a new hosting provider.It works for me here, and it was working when I posted. Please try again.

    Just tried, not working.

    Manie, try I don't know why the original URL is not working now.

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