Copy a database between servers with one command

  • I just used this command to copy a couple of databases from Sql Server 2012 to 2016 (CTP). I did have a few issues.

    1. There were old /backup/xxxxx.bak files I had to delete or the backup command got an error message.

    2. The command I entered was CopyDB ".\WebSql,55800" "\WebSql,55800" WebData. This got an error since the target server was MEDIA. I created a Host entry for this name with the IP and changed the command to use "Media\WebSql,55800" for the target.

    3. I had a problem with Access Denied on the C$ Administrative Share on the target (Windows 10) server. The fix was to create a registry entry with value of 1 on the target:

    Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

    Value: LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy

    Data: 1 (to disable, 0 enables filtering)

    Type: REG_DWORD (32-bit)

    4. I got a syntax error with the statement if "%SQLServerS%"=="%SQLServerT%" goto RestoreDB since the variables already had the quotes in it so I changed the statement to be if %SQLServerS%==%SQLServerT% goto RestoreDB.


    Gary Davis

  • Thanks for the script. This will take some time to go through.

  • hello,

    i got some problems with the script - and i hope that you can help me:

    Source-Log Path: ~13,127 is not correct i think 🙂

    Target-Log Path: ~13,127 is not correct i think 🙂


    Setting environmet variables... ¦ ¦

    ______________________________________________________________________¦ ¦



    Source-Instance: DBSTORE

    Source-Server: DBSTORE

    Source-Backup Path: Database

    Source-Data Path: E:\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup

    Source-Log Path: ~13,127


    Target-Server: DBSTORE1\DBSTORE1

    Target-Backup Path: DBSTORE1

    Target-Data Path: J:\MSSQL11.DBSTORE1\MSSQL\Backup

    Target-Log Path: ~13,127

    Ziel-Log Pfad: L:\MSSQL11.DBSTORE1\MSSQL\Data

    TransferDB: Database



    Source path: E:\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup

    Target Path: J:\MSSQL11.DBSTORE1\MSSQL\Backup

    Log Path: L:\MSSQL11.DBSTORE1\MSSQL\Data


    The Target Log Path is ????

    In my SQL Server the Path is ok and set

    and so i got the errors:

    A file activation error occurred. The physical file name '~13,127\Database_data.mdf' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry th

    e operation.

    Any idea ?

  • Hi dormelchen,

    It reads as though the variable declaration for PathSLog (among others) has been edited incorrectly.

    My declaration is:

    findstr /C:"Log Path: " "%TempFile2%" > "%TempFile1%"

    for /F "tokens=*" %%i in (%TempFile1%) do @set PathSLog=%%i

    set PathSLog=%PathSLog:~13,127%

    Which means:

    get a value from a file

    store it

    return only the characters starting at 13 for 127 characters.

    Take a look at your file again,

    - Mick

  • Thank you mick.regan for answering. I will try to complement your answer a little bit:

    The script gets the default log (and data) path with the following statement:

    SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('instancedefaultlogpath') AS NVARCHAR(512))

    the result is written in a temporary textfile. For example:

    Log Path: C:\SQL\DatabaseLogFiles

    The string "C:\SQL..." starts at position 13. So the command takes the content of the variable %PathSLog% starting at position 13 for 127 characters (should take the whole rest of the line)

    If there was a problem with getting the string with the SQL-statement, maybe you do not have permissions or the server name was wrong, etc., the variable %PathSLog% contains "~13,127" and you will get the error.


    Try to start the SQL-command from commandline (using SQLCMD) and look for the error message. Then resolve the Problem.

    In your SQL-Server settings of your source and target server check the default pathes (rightclick SQL-Server in SSMS -> Properties -> Database Settings -> Database default locations).

    Sometimes it helps to run the command on the other server (source/target)

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards, Roland

  • This is a great little script. This can save me a lot of time during my upgrades. I had to tweak this a little to accommodate spaces in the directory names. Also I am running into a similar issue that Dimitry ran into where the Target DATA and LOG path is being returned ad ~13,127. I determined if your target SQL has an instance name is what is causing the issue. Has anyone come up with a resolution for that? I have tried a few things but have not been successful.

  • Never Mind I found the link to the updated script. Thank you for sharing.

  • Would be nice if the original article provided a link to the fixed version that Roland made.

    For those of you who are looking, here it is:

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