copy heirarchical data

  • wats the best way to copy heirarchical data in stored proc , for example there are 3 tables parent, child, grandchildren . so wat we need to do is copy first row from parent and all the child rows for that row and further rows in grandchildren .

    we will be using and ,so thought of following options

    • get all data in dataset (wont work for very large data)
    • use cursor (wudnt it be very slow??)

    any other suggestions?

     wat will be best solution from perfomance point of view ???




  • Can you post the table definition, some sample data and the expected results?

  • sure lets say there are 3 tables (actually table will be decided at the runtime , nyways)

    country , state , city in the source , they can be in different database servers and three tables in destination also , so wat we need to do is

    first copy first country (India )

    now copy all the states for the country india

    now copy all the cities which are child of above states

    reason being no orphaned child id copied

    hope that clarify



  • Not really. The fact that this will be dynamic makes generating this code a big pain. Can't this be static?

    Can you provide the actual table script, Sample data and expected output from the queries?

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