Copying Demensions from when As database to another (diffrent server)

  • Hello All,

    I am new in AS and this task just some how got to me and I am totally stuck. Hoping some one can help me out it here.

    I have two AS databases with the same name but on different servers and need to copy dimensions A from server A to dimension A on server B.

    name wise the dimensions are same but residing on different server. what is the best way to do that.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Guys, any idea....

    I need help here big time.

  • Let me see if I understand what you're saying: You have a dimension, let's call it Customers that's the same on your two servers' SSAS dbs (let's call them Dev and Test), but all of the values are not the same on both SSAS dbs. So some Customers are on Dev but not Test and Some customers are on Test, but not Dev.

    If I've stated the problem correctly, wouldn't this be an ETL issue? If the two servers are linked servers, you can compare the underlying DW tables to get the records missing between the two. Add the missing records to the DW and rebuild your dimension.

    Now that's easier said than done, but it shouldn't be too big a deal. (hopefully)



  • Firstly, Thanks for the reply.

    the way you have mentioned , i will definitely look in to it. is it ok for me to assume than there is no way a person can copy dimensions from one AS database to another?

  • you can script it.

    Go to your source AS server, go to the needed dimension, right click "Script dimension as..."

    Choose create if it doesn't exist on other server, choose Alter if it does. Switch to destination server to run it. Check which cube you are affecting before running on destination.

    If there are many objects in the source that need to move to the dimension, I'd script entire cube. Just be sure to search for and change the server name in the script before running it on destination server or you'll just have to fix it later.

    I always script out my prod cubes before changing them.

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