Correct Replication Method

  • Current Network Layout:

    4 MS SQL Servers 7.0 - Will be suing the same DB structure at all locations.  The keys on the all the tables are unique by facility.  We have designed and tested the DB structure and completed the application's design, cosing and testing.

    Of these four, three are holding data for the application that corresponds only with their location.  These server will hold C + 2 data for a facility.  The final server will be a central server holding all locations data for up to 7 years.  We have moved data off the mainframe and into the Central server for all locations.  The data has full referential integrity and is ready to go.

    I have made a full backup of the data and database.  I restored the database at each site and removed any data that does not apply to that facility.

    I am now at the stage where I want to test the replication between a facility and the central server.



    I need to have data available on the central server as soon as it is entered successfully into the facility server.  This is due to reporting requirements.


    I am an experienced VB developer with limited SQL adminstration background.  I can setup push replication to servers when all I need is all the data.


    1.  What type of replication should I use?

    2.  How do I go about setting up that type of replication PROPERLY?

    3.  What are some stubling blocks I can expect to face?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  • Not sure of impact of "C + 2 data", but it sounds like what you'll probably want to do is set up continuous transactional replication publications on each of the three facility servers and push them to the central server as the only subscriber. Set it all up without any Snapshots, since you've already duplicated structure and data. You'll also likely decide to use a common set of stored procedures on the central server that all three facilites call in their publication articles.

    Of course all this depends on whether the central server data is ever changed directly, whether you really have the same DB structure at all 4 locations, whether all your identity columns and triggers have "NOT FOR REPLICATION" specified, etc. Lots of stuff to cover, I'd suggest checking out some of the articles on this site.

    Have Fun!

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