Could not find database ID 8. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 913).The step failed.

  • 9:00 AM

    I have two SQL 2000 boxes.

    SQL job runs on the Box 1 (SP3)

    and uses a linked server to Box 2 (SP4).

    Yesterday the databases on Box 2 referenced in that job

    were backed up and restored.

    The job ran OK before yesterday Restore.

    This morning it failed with the error:

    Could not find database ID 8. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 913). The step failed.

    I read

    and it looks like a bug that can be fixed by SP4.

    Is this true?

    10:12 AM

    The interesting thing is the problem seems to be

    just with one "Import_Log" table.


    Only INSERT

    insert [LinkedServ].vsImport.dbo.Import_log(message)

    values('Msg 913')

    fails. With the same error

    Could not find database ID 8...

    Locally on Box 2 INSERT works.

    It only fails from Box 1 using linked server 4 part query.

    I checked sysdatabases table in master

    and there is no dbid 8.

    vsImport is under dbid 5.

  • The issue is fixed.

    I changed Default database

    for "niadetl" SQL Server Login on Box 2 which is used to register Linked Server on Box 1.

    Now it's "master".

  • Actually the story continues.

    Now one of next steps of that SQL Job (SSIS package) fails

    with the same error

    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "insert vsImport.dbo.Import_log(message,[Table],[time]) values('Niad.dtsx started','Dundee-Custom-Entry',getdate())" failed with the following error: "Could not find database ID 8. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition."

    Again Import_Log table!

    I ran this INSERT statement on Box 2 locally. Works.

    From Box 1, using linked server. Works.

    It only fails in SSIS. SSIS is using ConnectionManager with the same "niadetl" Login

    and "Test Connection" is successful from SSIS.

    Something inside SSIS was not refreshed after I changed "niadetl" Login?

    Should I delete Connection and create it again?

  • Did you ever a resolution?

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