Counting down in a single table

  • I have a single table with the following columns

    EventId TicketsAvailable TicketCost

    10 100 10.00

    What I am trying to do in T-SQL is to have a user input how many tickets are required.

    eg TicketsRequired 10

    The SQL should check the TicketsAvailable and if there are enough tickets available begin

    generating the tickets and finally update the table to the new total.

    The new total would be 90.

    The code I have written so far does this just fine.

    However what I really need to do is when the Tickets available count reaches 5 and tickets

    required is 6 I want the SQL to update the table with 5, effectively setting tickets

    available to 0 but the big part is then to write the sixth ticket into a new table

    which could be a demandfor table.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve this in T-SQL?

    Many thanks in anticipation of your help.


  • Where are yo not clear going about this? This is really straight forward especially with the clear steps.

    What have you tried, where are your road blocks?

  • Here's what I've done so far (it's all a bid Noddy) right now.

    The second table has just two columns. This all works fine until I have say 2 tickets remaining in table one and the user wants to buy 4, what I want to do is allocate the 2 to the first table and the two extra to the second.

    Thanks for all your help - I'm sure I'll sort it eventually.


    DECLARE @TReq INT; -- Tickets wanted

    DECLARE @TTotalAvail INT; -- Total available (seats in venue)

    DECLARE @TRem INT; -- Amount currently availabele read from table

    DECLARE @TOver INT; -- Amount of tickets over (to be used to determine second date or not)

    SET @TReq = 10 -- Input from concert goer

    SET @TRem = (select TRem from Test1) -- check only

    IF @TRem >= @TReq -- Can we even allocate this demand?


    PRINT CONVERT(varchar(255),@TReq) + ' tickets being printed'

    update Test1 set TRem=TRem-@TReq



    IF @TRem <= 0


    SET @TOver = @TReq

    PRINT 'oh no all gone!'

    insert into DemandFor


    values ((select EventId from Test1),@TOver)


  • pnr8uk (5/23/2011)

    SET @TRem = (select TRem from Test1) -- check only

    What happens if there's more than one row in Test1?

    Is this a homework exercise?

    Gail Shaw
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  • There seems to be a lot missing from this logic and even a few requirements. No offense but are you sure this is not some sort of homework?

    The degree of difficulty to get this working with the current requirement is pretty easy for someone with a little experience in sql.

    ... and the actual requirement to code a ticketing system is actually way out of reach of any beginner (no offense to anybody intented).

  • no offence taken in anyway shape or form.

    To answer both questions I haven't included all of the sp as I did think it was only the final insert into which was the problem nothing more.

    Obviously there are checks for more than one row... based on which event the tickets are for etc., etc., I re-wrote only this section in a couple of minutes to indicate the area where I'm stuck. The only problem I have with the big picture is when there is a less than available number and I want to allocate only a portion of the amount required.

    There's a whole bunch of stuff going on elsewhere behind all of this to get to this simple point it's more my maths than my t-sql.

    Thanks guys and don't worry any more about it I thank you for your time and assistances. I'll post the full solution and sp today.


  • The things that I see:

    1. The update statement for Test1 is only firing with Rem >= Req. It needs to always fire, and to be smart enough to know when it's zero.

    2. The DemandFor needs to have entered into it the difference between @Req and @Rem.

    So, the resulting code would be:

    PRINT CONVERT(varchar(10),@TReq) + ' tickets being printed'

    -- always update, decrement TRem by @TReq if enough tickets available

    update Test1 set TRem=CASE WHEN TRem >= @TReq THEN TRem-@TReq

    -- otherwise set to zero

    ELSE 0


    IF @TReq > @TRem


    SET @TOver = @TReq - @TRem;

    PRINT 'oh no all gone!'

    insert into DemandFor


    values ((select EventId from Test1),@TOver)


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  • Oh thanks Wayne - that's perfect...

    Thanks for your help it's very much appreciated and will be noted.

  • pnr8uk (5/23/2011)

    Oh thanks Wayne - that's perfect...

    Thanks for your help it's very much appreciated

    You're welcome.

    I was just looking at this again, and I think that the first part should be changed to check for @TRem > 0, so that if it is zero is isn't updated unnecessarily (it would work properly without it, this just avoids updating a value already at zero with zero):

    IF @TRem > 0


    PRINT CONVERT(varchar(10),@TReq) + ' tickets being printed'

    -- always update, decrement TRem by @TReq if enough tickets available

    update Test1 set TRem=CASE WHEN TRem >= @TReq THEN TRem-@TReq

    -- otherwise set to zero

    ELSE 0



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