Counting instances of strings

  • Hi !

    Can anyone give me any pointers on how to count the number of instances one string appears within another string ?

    Thanks !!


  • Steve Jones has a series of articles on using strings in TSQL, you should try those, he probably has some ideas. One way would be replace all the search text with an empty string in a copy of the original string. Substract the length of the new string from the original, divide that by the length of the string you searched for.


  • This will not work for finding EXACT matches (i.e. Profit and profitablilty)

    It finds "profit" twice.

    How can we have the instance count be "1" and not count "profit" inside of profitability?


  • You could try searching for " profit "

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • See, if this helps:

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Guys,

    Here is a script that I wrote that will fulfill your needs,  the output is as follows:

    Text                                      Count

    <P>Famous for its rive...              3

    John McG.

    CREATE TABLE #TextSearch (

     [Text] [varchar] (3000) NULL ,

     [Count] [int] NULL


    DECLARE @String  varchar(1000),  @Len   int,   

     @MatchStr  varchar(50),  @StartIndex  int,  

     @Pos   int,    @Chunk   varchar(50),

     @Count  int

    DECLARE cur_FindString CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT body FROM pagecontent

    OPEN  cur_FindString FETCH NEXT FROM cur_FindString INTO @STRING



    SET @Pos = 0

    SET @Len = LEN(@String)

    SET @Count = 0


     WHILE CHARINDEX('www', @STRING, @Pos) > 0


       SET @StartIndex = CHARINDEX('www', @STRING, @Pos) 

       IF @StartIndex > 0


         INSERT INTO #TextSearch ( [Text])

         VALUES (@String)

         SET @Count = @Count + 1


       UPDATE #TextSearch SET [COUNT] = @Count WHERE [Text] = @String

       SET @Pos = @StartIndex +4

       SET @MatchStr = ''   


     FETCH NEXT FROM cur_FindString INTO @STRING  


    CLOSE cur_FindString

    DEALLOCATE cur_FindString   

    SELECT * FROM #TextSearch

    DROP TABLE #TextSearch


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