Crash during backup

  • Recently (last 3 days) our Win2003 server started crashing in the middle of the night. I'm pretty sure the crash happens exactly when the planned backups occur on our SQL 2k db (8.00.818 SP3 Enterprise Edition); we basically have to do a hard remote reboot to get back up and running. There don't seem to be any errors in the logs. I'm not sure if this is related or not, but recently I followed steps in KB 827449 and 277549 to reinstall MS Search and Full-Text.

    We are on RAID1, with one of those hyperthreading CPUs that looks like 2 to the OS. The physical server is in another state, so there is little I can do in terms of hardware troubleshooting. Chkdsk returns some errors, but none that I consider relevant.

    I've also noticed that certain databases back up just fine manually, but others seem to hang the system -- they are small dbs and should back up almost instantly, but instead, CPU maxes out, and after a while the entire server grinds to a halt.

    DBCC checkdb turns up clean.


    - hbz

  • Try to look for any 17883 errors in the sql error log, if you do , try applying sp4.

    If this doesn't help you need to call Sql support.




  • Check if there is enough space in the HDD to complete the back up. any DB in  suspect mode after crash?.



  • Problem solved - It was a dying RAID drive.  Thanks for your time!

    - hbz

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