Crazy Interviews

  • Jeff Moden (9/12/2012)

    a_sql (9/12/2012)

    I was asked to peel an Orange at one of my interviews..

    Did you ask for a spoon to make it easier? 😀

    My response for such a question would have been the same as if someone asked me to write some code.

    Before I do that, let me ask you a couple of questions...

    I would have asked what why they thought they wanted the Orange to be peeled and what they were going to do with it once peeled because the amount of Orange zest left on the Orange might be importantant. I would also have asked whether they needed the peel intact or it could be discarded and what made them think so. This would do things like make sure that they understood that they had an Orange and that what they really needed wasn't really a Lime or a Lemon or a BaseBall.

    After reading that it probably explains why I never made it past that round 🙂

    Oh well, next time someone asks me to peel an orange, I shall be prepared!

  • FunkyDexter (8/9/2012)

    I have an unusual interview technique I use which some here might find unreasonable but I'd defend it to the hilt. I get two sets of lego containing exactly the same pieces. I sit in one room with a pretty random shape pre-built out of one set of lego and have the interviewee sit in another room with the other set - connected by hands free telephones. The interviewee can ask any questions they like and they've got 20 minutes to build the shape I pre-built, which is waaay too short a period for them to actually complete the task (it takes alot longer than you might think). This is actually a great test because it reveals so much about the interviewee that I believe is crucial to a good programmer. Particularly around the "softer" skills I'm typically looking for.

    I've found a lot of people that can't adequately describe what they want. Depending on how the interview was going, I might retort that I'll take the test if they'll also take a test where THEY have to describe what they built well enough for me to build it without seeing it to test THEIR communications skills because effective communication isn't a one way street. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I've got to mention a few of the very odd interviews I've had:

    1. Many years ago went for an interview as a Junior DBA. Got there and there were 18 other candicates in the interview - it was a group interview! One had to compete against them for the 2 available job positions. No questions on DBA work just group activities. They slowly got rid of people throughout the day (so uncomfortable ><). I lasted to the end and got an offer. Turned out the job was for a Database Administrator which in their minds was an admin person who works on a entry clerical work etc, not an IT position at all! Blame the agent I suppose.

    2. Went for an interview for a SQL Developer job at a large well known broadband and mobile supplier in the UK ;-). Only had one question, please explain the difference between clustered and nonclustered indexes. The rest of the 1.5 hours was spent listening to the manager: Explain in detail how they just fired almost 80% of the 'deadwood' in the IT department; How he hates his boss and CEO and what a terrible working environment it was; and how I would be expected to do ASP development in addition to SQLServer work. They called a little while after the interview to get me back for a second - I gave a polite NEVER EVER!

    3. Had a recent interview for a SQL Developer position at a large development company. The first interview went well, then came the test and second interview. I was put in the corner of a very noisy office and forgotten! Everyone went home early and I was left there with not a single person to collect my (very long and involved) test or take me back to reception. I was supposed to have my second interview with the head of IT - he also went home early. It took a bit of a look around to find the right exit to show myself out. I was forced to leave the test with the receptionist. After explaining in the first interview that I do not have any clustering experience, the test contained mostly very involved clustering questions, with negative marking! I got a call a few days later with an apology saying I was given the wrong test and that there was some sort of misunderstanding with a team leader (?). They offered me the position, but I turned it down.

    4. One other interview comes to mind, the interview consisted of them talking about their christmas party which had happened the weekened before. I did take this job and it turned out great. After hearing the managers talking and joking in the interview I was able to figure out what sort of team I'd be working with - brilliant, helpful and really easy going :D.

  • I went to a job interview once where my handler was supposed to show up and introduce me to everyone. I was early, the handler was over 10 minutes late (maybe even up to 30 minutes, I don't remember). Since he wasn't there, I wasn't called in for any interview and by the time he showed up, the interviewer was in another meeting.

    Well, I was about to write it off when the handler decided to rip into the receptionist demanding to see the interviewer regardless of his current schedule. He made a huge scene, insulted her, and made it sound like the company was supposed to be catering to him.

    Needless to say, I didn't get any interview or a job from that company. A few weeks later, I went for a job with a different contracting firm and never worked for that contracting firm again.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (10/24/2012)

    I went to a job interview once where my handler was supposed to show up and introduce me to everyone. I was early, the handler was over 10 minutes late (maybe even up to 30 minutes, I don't remember). Since he wasn't there, I wasn't called in for any interview and by the time he showed up, the interviewer was in another meeting.

    Well, I was about to write it off when the handler decided to rip into the receptionist demanding to see the interviewer regardless of his current schedule. He made a huge scene, insulted her, and made it sound like the company was supposed to be catering to him.

    Needless to say, I didn't get any interview or a job from that company. A few weeks later, I went for a job with a different contracting firm and never worked for that contracting firm again.

    Worked out for the best then. Alarm bells would've rung loudly if I saw his actions to the receptionist.

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