Crazy query help

  • I have a query that was provided to me by member ~Ananda Kumar which is almost working correctly, but I need some help refining it.

    The query should be kind of a recursive thing. Basically, first it should look for matches on all parameters as they are given (Op1 through Op5 in the code below), if nothing is found, look for matches on Op1 through Op4, replacing Op5 with NULL. If still no results are found, look for matches on Op1 through Op3, replacing Op4 and Op5 with NULL, and so on up the line until a match is found (just a note: every possible value for Op1 will return a result).

    Here's a sample of data from my Results table:

    ResultID Link           Description Op1 Op2    Op3    Op4    Op5


    101      http://thoth   this site   106 111    116    122    134

    112      mailto:dcross  some guy    100 <NULL> <NULL> <NULL> <NULL>

    113      mailto:me      mememememe  100 107    112    120    <NULL>

    When I run the following query...

    declare @Op1 int, @Op2 int, @Op3 int, @Op4 int, @Op5 int

    set @Op1 =100

    set @Op2 =107

    set @Op3 =112

    set @Op4 =120

    set @Op5 =131

    SELECT * FROM Results

    WHERE ISNULL(Op1,@Op1) = @Op1

    AND ISNULL(Op2,@Op2) = @Op2

    AND ISNULL(Op3,@Op3) = @Op3

    AND ISNULL(Op4,@Op4) = @Op4

    AND ISNULL(Op5,@Op5) = @Op5

    I get the following two results:

    ResultID Link           Description Op1 Op2    Op3    Op4    Op5


    112      mailto:dcross  some guy    100 <NULL> <NULL> <NULL> <NULL>

    113      mailto:me      mememememe  100 107    112    120    <NULL>

    What I actually need returned is this single result (since this result has the most 'matches' on the parameters given -- Op1 through Op4):

    ResultID Link           Description Op1 Op2    Op3    Op4    Op5


    113      mailto:me      mememememe  100 107    112    120    <NULL>

    I'm sure this is clear as mud, but I'm hoping someone can wade through it...


    Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated, as this is a very time-sensitive issue.


    -DC Ross

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Please see my answer in this thread which is a duplicate.

  • Thank you ron k, your solution worked brilliantly!

  • This is just another alternative.  This will count the columns used and pulls out the one that has the most columns used.  More of a straight sql approach.


    declare @Op1 int, @Op2 int, @Op3 int, @Op4 int, @Op5 int

    set @Op1 =100

    set @Op2 =107

    set @Op3 =112

    set @Op4 =120

    set @Op5 =131

    SELECT r.ResultID, Link, Descr, op1, op2, op3, op4, op5

    FROM Result r

    WHERE ISNULL(Op1,@Op1) = @Op1

    AND ISNULL(Op2,@Op2) = @Op2

    AND ISNULL(Op3,@Op3) = @Op3

    AND ISNULL(Op4,@Op4) = @Op4

    AND ISNULL(Op5,@Op5) = @Op5

    AND r.resultid = (select resultid

          from (SELECT resultid,


           convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op1, 0))) +

           convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op2, 0))) +

           convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op3, 0))) +

           convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op4, 0))) +

           convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op5, 0)))) as Max_Result

          FROM Result

          GROUP BY resultid) as t

          where t.max_result = (select max(max_result)

                from (SELECT resultid,


                convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op1, 0))) +

                convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op2, 0))) +

                convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op3, 0))) +

                convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op4, 0))) +

                convert(int, convert(bit, isnull(op5, 0)))) as Max_Result

               FROM Result

               GROUP BY resultid) as t1))




  • Thanks Greg, I like the straightforward approach, but I'm getting a "Subquery returned more than 1 value" error when attempting to run your query. The first subquery (starting on line 18) is returning four results.

  • You data probably has multiple rows that have the same counts of "OP."  change the "=" sign to "IN".




  • Thanks again, Greg, that seemed to work at first glance, but if you replace the value of @Op5 with null, no results are returned, where ResultID 116 in the above example should be returned.

    Thanks again! I really appreciate your time and help!

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