Create a DNS Alias to connect to a SQL Server 2K Virtual Server

  • Hi folks,

    We have installed SQL 2K Enterprise on our clustered server, and I want to create a DNS alias to connect to the virtual server.  In the DNS the virtual server is registered, and so I was hoping that I could just create the alias (CNAME) to point to this.  Unfortunately, if I try and connect using my alias name I get the all too familiar message of "SQL Server does not exist".

    Is there anything specific I need to do when creating the DNS alias that will allow me to connect to the virtual server?

    Many thanks in advance.

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  • I have hazy recollections of having made various attempts to do this over the years ( very advanced fail over / dr etc. etc. ) and it didn't work.

    It's something to do with server names. you might try the ip address that usually works.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • We fixed this problem a while ago now, but I thought I would update this topic with our solution in case anyone else came across the same problem. It's worth bearing this in mind in case you want to troubleshoot connectivity problems with SQL Server.

    One thing we should have noticed earlier with this is the fact that SQL Server was not binding on TCP/IP. This was because the IP address for the cluster instance was different than that recorded in the registry. This can occur if the IP address for the virtual server is updated through Cluster Administrator.

    Anyway, if you follow the instructions in the following KB article then this sorted out the problem for us. One word of warning though, stop the SQL IP Address cluster resource first as the KB article doesn't mention this!

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