Create a table valued function

  • Hi I would like to create a table valued function using the following data:

    create table #WeightedAVG


    Segment varchar(20),

    orders decimal,

    calls int


    insert into #WeightedAVG

    SELECT 'L2','13','455' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','5','551' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','4','965' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','4','2750' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','11','4155' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','2','3121' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','19','9435' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','2','10792' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','11','3379' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','7','4763' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','52','26948' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','10','3927' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','14','13492' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','3','2296' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','62','9705' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','5','1099' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','10','2570' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','25','5540' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','40','25479' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','9','10948' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','79','10679' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L3','1','1828' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','1','28324' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','1','14562' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','26','1248' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','45','8875' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','8','3534' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','12','5139' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L2','2','407' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'L1','89','9551'

    I would like to create a function from this where I can input columns, and two numbers to get an average to output in a table ie,

    CREATE FUNCTION WeightedAVG(@divisor int, @dividend int, @table varchar, @columns varchar)

    returns @Result table


    col1 varchar(25),

    WeightedAVG float




    insert into @Result

    SELECT @columns, (@divisor / @dividend) as 'WeightedAVG' from @table group by @columns



    select WeightedAVG(80, 10, #WeightedAVG, Segment)

    Hope this makes sense ...

  • You can't do this. To be able to query different tables and columns, you need to use dynamic code. Dynamic code can be dangerous if it's not handled correctly and it's not allowed in functions.

    By the way, you should try to use inline table valued functions to avoid performance problems.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Quick question, could you describe the problem you are trying to solve?


  • This is an example on how to do it through dynamic code.

    DECLARE @divisor int = 80,

    @dividend int = 10,

    @table varchar(128) = '#WeightedAVG',

    @columns varchar(8000) = 'Segment'

    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max);

    --This is meant to prevent sql injection on column names.

    SET @columns = STUFF((SELECT ', ' + QUOTENAME(Item)

    FROM DelimitedSplit8K(@Columns, ',')

    ORDER BY ItemNumber

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '');

    --The code and explanation for DelimitedSplit8K can be found in here:


    --Create the dynamic code

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT ' + @columns + '

    , (@divisor / @dividend) as ' + QUOTENAME(REPLACE( @table, '#', ''), '''') + '

    FROM ' + QUOTENAME( @table) + '

    GROUP BY ' + @columns + ';';

    --This is used to debug the code

    --PRINT @SQL;

    --Execute a parametrized query

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@divisor int, @dividend int', @divisor, @dividend;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Hi Erik, I would like to create a function that would give me a 'weighted average' total number * .weighting ie, silver is worth 40% of gold so silver = value_of_gold($80) * value_weighting(40%) so a simple function would look like

    select * from weightAvg(80, 40)

    but the data will be coming from a table so there will be additional columns, ie, city, retailer, month so the I would like to be able to run a function that will compute a table with different columns which will also need groupings ...

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