Create database using Backup file

  • Yes, you can do it either way

  • Krishna (3/17/2009)

    No, not through backup and restore method, instead you can script out your 2005 database and then run it against your 2000 server.

    Thanks a lot Krishna.

    I am thinking to do the same. and also I will ask my admin team to upgrade my dev sql server to 2005. This is better and if it is not possible will do what you told.

    Thank You

  • No problem at all.

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  • First of all, I apologize for the previous 3 posts. I kept getting an error when I previewed my post and then tried to post it. I tried deleting these posts, but am getting an error doing that as well...

    I also want to create a new database from a full backup file on a different server. I was able to do this, but the new database isn't quite in the same state as the old one. I have 2 differential backup files from the old one that were created after the full backup. Can I apply these differentials to the new database? I kept getting an error. (why do I keep getting errors with everything I do?!?)

  • First, if there were two differential backups taken after the last full backup you are restoring and you want the data as current as the second differential, you only need that one file. Second, if you did not restore the full backup with the NORECOVERY option specified, you will need to redo the restore using this option and then you can apply the latest differential backup using restore database.

  • reefshark (7/8/2009)

    I kept getting an error. (why do I keep getting errors with everything I do?!?)

    as Lynn says, you need to restore the database full backup with NORECOVERYas follows

    RESTORE DATABASE mydata FROM DISK = 'D:\somepath\somefile.BAK'


    then restore the last differential (differentials are accumulative, so only the last needs applying)

    RESTORE DATABASE mydata FROM DISK = 'D:\somepath\somefile.BAK'


    shout back if you're still stuck


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I tried to create database form another database or backup file,

    Please see in the below url

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