Create Maintenance Job with a Click without using a Wizard

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    ___the truth is out there___

  • I will definitely try it and come again with my final comments-

    Thanks Robin

    Edited by - gvinuezaprincipal on 08/21/2003 09:59:44 AM

  • Kudos on sharing your efforts with the SQL Server community.  Obviously serious thought has gone into the development of the script (not to mention the customizing of it in order to make it of general application for the rest of us).

    Your support challenge is certainly significant.

    There are some of us who would prefer not to use undocumented features.  Hopefully, very hopefully, the next release of SQL Server will officially support a good number of functions which are currently undocumented (even offer additional supported functionality).

    Again, thanks for your efforts and thanks for sharing them.  Its individuals like you that make it rewarding to belong to this community.





  • Thank you for the script. By running the statistics update script, my local db, which has a production db backup, is running at expected speed.

    Before updating the statistics, it was running ~ 19 mins. Now, it's running at 0.30 seconds!!!! OMG.

    Thank you very much.

  • It looks like the link to the sql file is dead. Can anyone provide a copy of that file?


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