Create multiple rows with single row splitting the data from one field

  • I have a table that has a field with a dollar amount and another field that has a list of items. I need to count the number of items in the list field and create the same number of rows, dividing the dollar amount by the number of items in the lista and distribute that cost to each item. The list length can vary. The separator is "&". Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Example: Cost List

    600 A & B & C

    Final output needs to be

    Cost List

    200 A

    200 B

    200 C



  • May I suggest you read this article by Jeff Moden ... it has a good deal of sample code, and will assist you in solving your problem.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • You can also have a look at

    which has the solution to a similar problem

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • declare @S varchar(1000), @data int

    I think below statment can use full for yur case

    select @S = '600 A & B & C '

    select @data =rtrim( substring( @S,0,charindex('&',@s)-2))

    select @S=Substring(@s,len(@data)+1, len(@s)-len(@data))

    ;with csvtbl(i,j)



    select i=1, j=charindex('&',@s+'&')

    union all

    select i=j+1, j=charindex('&',@s+'&',j+1) from csvtbl

    where charindex('&',@s+'&',j+1) <> 0


    select @data/(select count('x') from csvtbl ),substring(@s,i,j-i)

    from csvtbl

    If U want to result for each row then , U can use function to get Appropriate result

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