create single quotes around @variable

  • Hello,

    I have a problem to create a variable. The variable must be enclosed by single quotes. In the VARCHAR variable must also be another variable (NUMERIC).

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @p_number NUMERIC

    SET @p_number = 134070

    SET @sql = ????

    The result of SELECT @sql must be:

    'SELECT * FROM M_Driemnd(134070)'

    where 134070 of course must be the @p_number variable. This all must be inside of a cursor, each time the cursor runs I change @p_number

    Can anyone provide me with the correct syntax of the SET @sql= ??

    I have been busy for several days now and feel that I get stuck in my own wrong way in the solution. I need a fresh thought to get me started in a different way.

    Thanks in advance.

    Pim Verkley

  • select @sql='''SELECT * FROM M_Driemnd('+convert(varchar(255),@p_number)+')'''

    Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure... :w00t:

  • Try the following way:

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @p_number NUMERIC

    SET @p_number = 134070

    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM M_Driemnd(' + CONVERT (varchar (10), @p_number) + ')'

    PRINT @sql


  • In reply to EvilPostIT:

    Great this works!!!

    In reply to Kishore.P I can say, this works, only the single quotes to enclose the string are missing.

    I added some quotes and now it works:

    SET @sql = '''SELECT * FROM M_Driemnd(' + CONVERT (varchar (10), @p_number) + ')'''

  • You've got the solution.

    Just a reminder there are some downsides for using dynamic sql

    All time ref: :Whistling:


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  • Hi Try this solution,

    Its working.........

    declare @STR varchar(30)

    declare @str1 varchar(30)

    set @STR='select * from tab_ind'

    set @str1='''' + @STR + ''''

    print @str1

    Thanks & Regards ,

    Amit Gupta

  • You can also use char(39) as a single quote.


    Select char(39) + name + char(39) from sysobjects

    Just build your string using char(39) to surround your strings. I find it alot easier than adding a bunch of single quotes. '''''


  • Tom Goltl (11/19/2007)

    You can also use char(39) as a single quote.


    Select char(39) + name + char(39) from sysobjects

    Just build your string using char(39) to surround your strings. I find it alot easier than adding a bunch of single quotes. '''''


    Ah, that is something I need to look intop much deeper, thanks for you're thouht.

  • This is really helpful tom. Thanks !!!!

    Tom Goltl (11/19/2007)

    You can also use char(39) as a single quote.


    Select char(39) + name + char(39) from sysobjects

    Just build your string using char(39) to surround your strings. I find it alot easier than adding a bunch of single quotes. '''''


  • Just because this thread was revived after 9 years, I'd like to make a few suggestions.

    Use parametrized dynamic sql and always define precision and scale for your types. In 2000, there was the restriction of 4000 characters, in 2005 the restriction basically disappears with NVARCHAR(MAX).


    DECLARE @p_number NUMERIC(18, 0);

    SET @p_number = 134070;

    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM M_Driemnd(@p_number)';

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@p_number NUMERIC(18, 0)', @p_number;

    There's also no case on making this code dynamic, but a more complex process might be worth of it. This should only be treated as an example.

    Luis C.
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  • Tom Goltl (11/19/2007)

    You can also use char(39) as a single quote.


    Select char(39) + name + char(39) from sysobjects

    Just build your string using char(39) to surround your strings. I find it alot easier than adding a bunch of single quotes. '''''


    That's a quite common mistake and a cause of numerous run-time errors in many applications.

    If a name has a single quote in it the resulting SQL string will be invalid.

    Not to mention exposure to SQL injections.

    For names not longer than 128 characters use

    Select QUOTENAME(name, char(39)) from sysobjects

    For longer names you have to do it like this:

    Select char(39) + REPLACE(name, char(39), char(39)+CHAR(39)) + char(39) from sysobjects

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • On the topic of running

    'SELECT * FROM M_Driemnd(@p_number)'

    inside of a cursor....

    Not sure what the original objective was but if I am understanding well enough, I imagine can be readily handled with a tally table.

    Something like :

    declare @p_numberMax int; /* = some large value that you set. */

    SELECT tvf.*

    FROM (Select number

    From tallyTable

    Where number >= 1 and number <= @p_numberMax

    ) as t

    CROSS APPLY M_Driemnd(t.number) as tvf

    No need for dynamic SQL, except for the fact that Cross Apply did not become available until Sql Server 2005.


  • For older versions of SQL SERVER : A simple (non table valued) function >

    if object_id('fcnTEST') is not null

    drop function fcnTest;


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fcnTEST(@param decimal(10,3))

    RETURNS decimal(10,3)



    return @param *2




    select dbo.fcnTEST(t.[n]) as calc

    from (

    select n

    from tally /* the numbers table */

    where n >=1 and n <= 100 /* <-- replace with your max value */

    )as t

    No need for cursors, looping or dynamic SQL


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