Create SQL Views from 2 different tables!

  • Hi,

    I have two tables, which are different with unequal number of columns (4 vs 1 column).

    And I want to create a view, which will take the 4 columns from the first table and 1 column from the other table.

    I create it in a normal way:

    CREATE VIEW vw_ViewLogs



    Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column1

    FROM db..Tbl1, db..Tbl2

    But the problem is that the view creates much more rows, it multiplies rows of each table (ex. 4*4=16 rows instead of 4 rows).

    Please, if anyone has a solution, I appreciate it very much!

    Thank you!

  • the problem is not with the veiw but rahter the select. When you have more than one table involved you have to tell it how it relates to the other. There is alot more to it than that but for the simple terms you have to create a one to one relationship or a one to one relationship. In this case it sounds like you may have a many to many relationship or you have a one to many relationship when you expected a one to one relationship.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • that's the problem, since the tables are unequal and with different columns, BUT with same number of rows.

    So, there is no option just take values of each row from the 2 tables?

    Do you have any concrete solution for this situation?

    Thank you!

  • there is not enough information to create a concrete solution. How does the data relate to one another? For eample do they both have the same ID field. knowing nothing about your data I can not say for sure other than to say that you can not join two compeltely unrelated tables in a veiw. If there is no relationship between the data what is the perpose of using them in the veiw together? It is that relationship in data that is the key.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • is there any identity column in both table

    select c1,c2,c3,(select top 1 c1 from table2) from table1

    if you dont have any column which can be join then it must be an identity column to process next value as

    I assume c1 is an identity column in both tables

    select t1.c1,t1.c2,t1.c3,(select t2.c2 from table2 t2 where t2.c1 = t1.c1) from table1 t1

    Syed Jahanzaib Bin Hassan

    My Blog

  • asterman_3 (4/18/2011)

    that's the problem, since the tables are unequal and with different columns, BUT with same number of rows.

    So, there is no option just take values of each row from the 2 tables?

    Do you have any concrete solution for this situation?

    Thank you!


    As Dan mentioned, if the data has no relation, and you don't use an ON clause, you end up with a CROSS JOIN. You've seen the results of a cross join (every row in one table repeated for every single row in the other). If you can't relate the data, you need to generate a relation to cure your ills.

    The following method is not recommended unless you absolutely know that there is no relation and you are doing some kind of trickery simply for personal display use only:

    ;with cte AS (select row_number() OVER (ORDER BY <somefield>) AS rn, columns1-4 FROM tbl1),

    with cte2 AS ( SELECT row_number() OVER (order by <somefield>) AS rn, column1 FROM tbl2)


    c1.col1, c1.col2, c1.col3, c1.col4, c2.col1


    cte AS c1 JOIN cte2 AS c2 ON c1.rn = c2.rn

    Again, don't deploy this, it's just an example and a workaround while you determine what you actually should be linking the data between the tables with.

    - Craig Farrell

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  • OK.

    The situation is more complicated.

    I am working with sql audit logs which I need to extract specific data (specific columns) and save them in text files.

    Since from the SQL Server Audit Logs the "ID row" can not be determined from the logs (ex. UPDATE .. where lastname="test" - from this I can not determine the ID row) , I am extracting the required data by combining audit logs with CHANGE DATA CAPTURE (which track the ID of each action logged).

    So, I have in one side the table from the audit logs, and on the other side the table from the CHANGE DATA CAPTURE table.

    The goal is to capture 4 columns from the first table, and 1 column from the other one.

    They have same number of rows, but different columns (logs vs CHANGE DATA CAPTURE table).

    For the moment I created simple view from these 2 tables, as the code below:

    create view vw_ViewLogs



    Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column1


    db..TBL1, db..TBL2

    Is there any solution for this situation?

    Thank you!

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