CreateProcessTask error

  • Warning:  this is mostly a question, but it includes some ranting.

    I have a DTS package that runs fine on my PC, but not on the server (common problem).  The step in question is an 'Execute Process Task' that expects a zero return code.  When I run that step, I get the following message:

    Error Source:  Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Error Description:  CreateProcessTask 'DTSTask_DTSCreateProcessTask_1':  Process returned code 128, which does not match the specified SuccessReturnCode of 0.

    Now I'm sure that this is either a question of rights or missing pieces.  And I suspect the return code is based on that.  So my question is 'How do I determine what return code 128 means?'

    And my rant is Even if I spend hours googling in an attempt to answer my question, and reading lots of similar questions and answers, why isn't it more straightforward to find out what message goes with a return code?  And why does Microsoft bother returning a return code if if you can't decode it?

    Sorry for yelling.  Thanks for any help you can offer.


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  • I am also getting the same error on a DTS which previous worked fine - anyone else had this issue - as the previous poster stated I think it is related to permissions. No success hunting down similar errors on the web.

  • I have fixed the issue I was having. We had a security issue so I had to change the login for the connections in the DTS's. When saved the job was still running the old DTS, so when the job was deleted and recreated for the new saved DTS they worked fine. 

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