Creating a comma-separated list (SQL Spackle)

  • UMG Developer (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    I have implemented this script but am getting the error "Invalid column name 'Value'" when running it. Is there something special that I need to do in order for Mgmt Studio to recognize the "unnamed expression" part of that? I've implemented both versions, this one:

    For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    And this one:

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).Value('.','varchar(max)')

    But I don't think those have any bearing on the 'Value' syntax.

    I think your problem is that the XML commands are case sensative, and your .Value needs to be .value.

    Still a no-go, here's the entire CTE portion of my query:

    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    --For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

  • gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    UMG Developer (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    I have implemented this script but am getting the error "Invalid column name 'Value'" when running it. Is there something special that I need to do in order for Mgmt Studio to recognize the "unnamed expression" part of that? I've implemented both versions, this one:

    For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    And this one:

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).Value('.','varchar(max)')

    But I don't think those have any bearing on the 'Value' syntax.

    I think your problem is that the XML commands are case sensative, and your .Value needs to be .value.

    Still a no-go, here's the entire CTE portion of my query:

    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    --For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Can you post the CTE portion of your script? The script you have posted is the select from the cte table, but we don't see the CTE defined.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • CirquedeSQLeil (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    UMG Developer (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    I have implemented this script but am getting the error "Invalid column name 'Value'" when running it. Is there something special that I need to do in order for Mgmt Studio to recognize the "unnamed expression" part of that? I've implemented both versions, this one:

    For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    And this one:

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).Value('.','varchar(max)')

    But I don't think those have any bearing on the 'Value' syntax.

    I think your problem is that the XML commands are case sensative, and your .Value needs to be .value.

    Still a no-go, here's the entire CTE portion of my query:

    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    --For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Can you post the CTE portion of your script? The script you have posted is the select from the cte table, but we don't see the CTE defined.

    Woops, here you go:

    Declare @Today DateTime

    Set @Today = GetDate()

    ;WITH CTE As


    Select cc.CustomerNumber,




    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL


    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    For XML Path(''), Type).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    -- For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Order By CTE.CustomerNumber, CTE.CustomerCredentialID, CTE.LicenseRestrictionID, CTE.Comment;


    My guess is that it's something to do with the ' ' + value portion since I only want the values from the lr.Comment field, but not sure how to specify that in the ' ' + value portion...

  • gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    CirquedeSQLeil (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    UMG Developer (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    I have implemented this script but am getting the error "Invalid column name 'Value'" when running it. Is there something special that I need to do in order for Mgmt Studio to recognize the "unnamed expression" part of that? I've implemented both versions, this one:

    For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    And this one:

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).Value('.','varchar(max)')

    But I don't think those have any bearing on the 'Value' syntax.

    I think your problem is that the XML commands are case sensative, and your .Value needs to be .value.

    Still a no-go, here's the entire CTE portion of my query:

    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    --For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Can you post the CTE portion of your script? The script you have posted is the select from the cte table, but we don't see the CTE defined.

    Woops, here you go:

    Declare @Today DateTime

    Set @Today = GetDate()

    ;WITH CTE As


    Select cc.CustomerNumber,




    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL


    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    For XML Path(''), Type).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    -- For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Order By CTE.CustomerNumber, CTE.CustomerCredentialID, CTE.LicenseRestrictionID, CTE.Comment;


    My guess is that it's something to do with the ' ' + value portion since I only want the values from the lr.Comment field, but not sure how to specify that in the ' ' + value portion...

    It is choking on the column name of "Value" since you do not have a column named "Value" in your CTE or in your materialized table.

    Replace the

    Select ' ' + Value


    Select ' ' + lr.Comment

    and change

    Order By Value


    Order By lr.Comment

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • CirquedeSQLeil (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    CirquedeSQLeil (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    UMG Developer (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    I have implemented this script but am getting the error "Invalid column name 'Value'" when running it. Is there something special that I need to do in order for Mgmt Studio to recognize the "unnamed expression" part of that? I've implemented both versions, this one:

    For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    And this one:

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).Value('.','varchar(max)')

    But I don't think those have any bearing on the 'Value' syntax.

    I think your problem is that the XML commands are case sensative, and your .Value needs to be .value.

    Still a no-go, here's the entire CTE portion of my query:

    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    --For XML Path(''), Type).Value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Can you post the CTE portion of your script? The script you have posted is the select from the cte table, but we don't see the CTE defined.

    Woops, here you go:

    Declare @Today DateTime

    Set @Today = GetDate()

    ;WITH CTE As


    Select cc.CustomerNumber,




    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL


    Select CTE.CustomerNumber,



    CommentData = Stuff(


    Select ' ' + value

    From IADS..LicenseRestriction lr

    Inner Join IADS..License l On l.LicenseID = lr.LicenseID

    Inner Join IADS..CustomerCredential cc On cc.CustomerCredentialID = l.CustomerCredentialID

    And (cc.EndDate IS NULL Or cc.EndDate > @Today)

    And cc.CustomerCredentialDispositionID IS NULL

    Where lr.RestrictionCodeID = -8

    And lr.Comment IS NOT NULL

    And cc.CustomerNumber = CTE.CustomerNumber

    And cc.CustomerCredentialID = CTE.CustomerCredentialID

    And lr.LicenseRestrictionID = CTE.LicenseRestrictionID

    Order By value

    For XML Path(''), Type).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)')

    -- For XML Path(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    From CTE

    Order By CTE.CustomerNumber, CTE.CustomerCredentialID, CTE.LicenseRestrictionID, CTE.Comment;


    My guess is that it's something to do with the ' ' + value portion since I only want the values from the lr.Comment field, but not sure how to specify that in the ' ' + value portion...

    It is choking on the column name of "Value" since you do not have a column named "Value" in your CTE or in your materialized table.

    Replace the

    Select ' ' + Value


    Select ' ' + lr.Comment

    and change

    Order By Value


    Order By lr.Comment

    I guess that makes sense, but why then does the article state this, but the 'value' works for the scenario in the article?:

    Since the field is ',' + Value (an unnamed expression), there is no name for the individual elements. What is left is a list of values, with each value prefixed with a comma. The TYPE clause specifies to return the data as an XML type. The .value('.','varchar(max)') takes each value, and converts it into a varchar(max) data type. The combination of the TYPE and .value means that values are created at XML tags (such as the ampersand (&), and the greater than (>) and less than (<) signs), will not be tokenized into their XML representations and will remain as is.

  • That is referring to the actual structure of the xml and not the retrieval of the data.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Great! Thanks for the help on this. Sorry about the brain-fart on the 'value' thing, I was out all last week sick with vertigo so that's my excuse. 😀

  • gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    Great! Thanks for the help on this. Sorry about the brain-fart on the 'value' thing, I was out all last week sick with vertigo so that's my excuse. 😀

    No problem and you are welcome.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • CirquedeSQLeil (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    Great! Thanks for the help on this. Sorry about the brain-fart on the 'value' thing, I was out all last week sick with vertigo so that's my excuse. 😀

    No problem and you are welcome.

    Jason, thanks for covering me on this... this thread never popped up on the recent posts, and I didn't see any activity until I got home and could check the email...

    Again, thanks!

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • WayneS (2/28/2011)

    CirquedeSQLeil (2/28/2011)

    gregory.anderson (2/28/2011)

    Great! Thanks for the help on this. Sorry about the brain-fart on the 'value' thing, I was out all last week sick with vertigo so that's my excuse. 😀

    No problem and you are welcome.

    Jason, thanks for covering me on this... this thread never popped up on the recent posts, and I didn't see any activity until I got home and could check the email...

    Again, thanks!


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • This link also shares some useful information about generating comma/delimiter separated string.

    -Vinay Pugalia
    If a post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on that post.
    Web : Inkey Solutions
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    Email : Vinay Pugalia

  • Sorry: didn't spot how old this was....


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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  • This is great! I have been using the Coalesce function in a udf for this purpose, but this method is faster. I didn't use it as a correlated subquery, but I did replace the internals of my udf with the "For XML PATH" and it took a 3 second query for 10,000 records down to 1 second.

    Thank you!

  • That's great Ed!

    ... but 1 second is kinda slow for this method on 10,000 rows

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Yeah well I guess that is more a function of it using views on top of a COTS application database based on two primary tables Component and Relationship. The system is very flexible because you can create any type of component and subsequent relationships between them that you want but it does have a performance cost due to so many joins just to include component properties for instance. The query I am referring to is based on a view that already contains such other included properties and relationships.

    The system is for capturing enterprise architecture components and relationships, so luckily the number of objects is relatively small.

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