Creating a Household "Pecking Order"

  • Hi all,

    I have a requirement to place family groups into a "pecking order". This involves:

    Identifying the "Head of Household" group. This could consist of one or two people. Members of this group rank above non-members at all times.

    Where the Head of Household group is mixed sex, rank them based on gender, with Males first.

    Then rank any non-members of the Head of Household group by age.

    Not all records have a gender, where at least one gender is unknown, the following rules apply:

    If the gender mix is U/M then rank M first. If the gender mix is U/F, rank U first, where both are U, rank by age.

    DOB is not always populated, where no DOB is present, rank these last.

    Note: I didn't make the rules.

    I have a solution, but it feels a bit over-complicated. I was hoping that someone might be able to suggest a better way.

    My solution:

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmp') is not null drop table #tmp


    create table #tmp (FamilyId int, Gender char(1), DOB datetime)

    -- M/F parents with children

    insert #tmp values (1,'M','1 October 1950')

    insert #tmp values (1,'F','1 October 1949')

    insert #tmp values (1,'M','1 October 1970')

    insert #tmp values (1,'F',null)

    -- same sex parents with children

    insert #tmp values (2,'F','1 October 1950')

    insert #tmp values (2,'F','1 October 1949')

    insert #tmp values (2,'M','1 October 1970')

    insert #tmp values (2,'F','1 October 1971')

    -- M/F group without children

    insert #tmp values (3,'M','1 October 1950')

    insert #tmp values (3,'F','1 October 1949')

    -- single parent with children

    insert #tmp values (4,'M','1 October 1950')

    insert #tmp values (4,'M','1 October 1970')

    insert #tmp values (4,'F','1 October 1971')

    -- M/U parents with children

    insert #tmp values (5,'M','1 October 1950')

    insert #tmp values (5,'U','1 October 1949')

    insert #tmp values (5,'M','1 October 1970')

    insert #tmp values (5,'F','1 October 1971')

    -- F/U parents with children

    insert #tmp values (6,'F','1 October 1950')

    insert #tmp values (6,'U','1 October 1949')

    insert #tmp values (6,'M','1 October 1970')

    insert #tmp values (6,'F','1 October 1971')

    -- perform a raw sort and key on age

    ; with cte as (

    select *

    , row_number() over (partition by FamilyId order by isnull(DOB,getdate()), Gender desc) as RowKey

    from #tmp


    , cte2 as ( -- calculate the age difference between each person and the oldest person

    select cte.*

    , AgeDiff = datediff(yy,oldest.DOB,isnull(cte.DOB,getdate()))

    from cte

    join (

    select FamilyId

    , DOB

    from cte

    where RowKey = 1

    ) oldest

    on cte.FamilyId = oldest.FamilyId


    , cte3 as (

    select cte2.*

    , IsHead = case when AgeDiff > 18 then 0 else 1 end -- assume that persons > 18 years younger than oldest are children

    from cte2


    , cte4 as (

    select cte3.*

    , GenderSortPriority = case IsHead

    when 1 then

    case Gender

    when 'M' then 1

    when 'U' then 2

    when 'F' then 3


    else 4


    from cte3


    select cte4.*

    , row_number() over (partition by FamilyId order by IsHead desc, GenderSortPriority, isnull(cte4.DOB,getdate())) as HouseholdOrder

    from cte4

    drop table #tmp

    Regards, Iain

  • you may want to look into using the OVER CLAUSE with aggregate functions, I think that could simplify the number of steps you're taking to get to the IsHead column and your Pecking Order.

    maybe something like:

    ;WITH cte AS

    (SELECT FamilyID, Gender, DOB,

    MIN(DOB) OVER (PARTITION BY FamilyID) AS oldest_dob,

    DateDiff(yy,MIN(DOB) OVER (PARTITION BY FamilyID), ISNULL(DOB,GetDate())) AS AgeDiff

    FROM #tmp)

    SELECT FamilyID, Gender, DOB,

    CASE WHEN AgeDiff > 18 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS IsHead,


    CASE WHEN AgeDiff > 18 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END,


    DOB) HouseholdOrder

    FROM cte

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