Creating A report to show who has been running reports RS2000

  • Hi

    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to create a report that will give me a break down on who has been running reports.

    I have looked at the sql tables. The main 2 tables seem to be the Catalog and Executionlog. Both give me information I want but I can't see an id that I can use to link the 2 tables together.

    If you know of a way for me to get this data, please tell.

    Tracy Avis

  • Hi, there is a PK-FK link, its just not the same column name in both tables. I am on sick leave at the moment and cant get to a SQL Server, from memory i think its ReportID and ItemID???

    anyway HTH


  • I wouldn't recommend querying the reportserver tables directly as these are used to control your report executions.  However, reporting services does ship with sample reports for monitoring your reports.  Details and sample reports can be found at

  • David, what tables do these reports query? what problem can running a select query against these tables cause?

  • RS has a DTS package called RSExecutionLog_update which enables data to be extracted from the ReportServer db into more user friendly format. This package comes on the install disc.

    When this is all set up all the execution data is copied to a second database called RSEXecutionLog and a number of reports can be installed on RS to get the information you are after.

    Look at this link for full details:



  • Hi Richard

    Thanks for this, only now just getting around to setting it up, however having problems when trying to execute the DTS package.

    Having an issue when it comes to Set Con Dynamic Properties task - saying it can't read the file. This is when trying to execute package from my machine as to doing it on the server.

    Second problem when on the server we managed to get past this bit but it then errored out when trying to perform the updates. It was coming back with not enough storage space to complete this operation. There is plenty of room on the server, so that it not the problem.

    Can you help




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