creating calculation scripts

  • hi

    i have a table which look like this:

    ID Depreciation

    51004 0

    54796 0

    58585 -19079.347

    62466 -113.57

    66291 -113.57

    70143 -113.57

    74025 -113.57

    77933 -113.57

    81849 -113.57

    on my script i need to calculate a Accummulative Depreciation on another field and the rule is on the first entry the Depreciation will remain the same, the second entry should take the value from the prevous entry add it to the current entry i.e for ID 51004 and 54796 AccumDepr will be 0 cause there's no Depreciation value this id 58585 should equal to 19079.347 cause there's no previous depr, and on ID 62466 my AccumDepr should be (-19079.347) + (-113.57) = -19192.91 and the next ID should be -19192.91 + -113.57 = -19306.48 and so forth...

    please help

  • if your ID values are random as shown in the data example, you will have to either iterate using a loop or use a cursor. If they are in an order, there can be other possible ways.

  • my id is unique value... what other possible ways there could be.

    i tried this approach:

    SELECT Depreciation.Depreciation, Depreciation.TransactionID,Depreciation.Depreciation +




    select sum(Dep.Depreciation) from Depreciation Dep

    where Dep.TransactionID < Depreciation.TransactionID


    , 0) as AccummulativeDepreciation

    from Depreciation

    but doesn't give me the results i need...

    please assist

  • I think this should help

    select id, Depreciation, Depreciation + isnull((select Depreciation from TABLE where id = (select max(id) from TABLE where id <,0) from

    TABLE x


  • Oops! Isn't this a triangular join? Jeff will pounce on you for this.

  • declare @Table table(

    ID int not null,

    Dep money,

    Accum money


    insert @Table

    (ID, Dep)

    select 51004, 0 union all

    select 54796, 0 union all

    select 58585, -19079.347 union all

    select 62466, -113.57 union all

    select 66291, -113.57 union all

    select 70143, -113.57 union all

    select 74025, -113.57 union all

    select 77933, -113.57 union all

    select 81849, -113.57;

    declare @Accum money;

    set @Accum = 0;

    update @Table

    set @Accum = Accum = @Accum + Dep;

    select *

    from @Table;

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Ahh, that feels better.

    But is this truly set based?

    Or is this just a SS2000 hack?

    I wonder if SS2005 has something to deal with this directly in a select.

  • Tomm,

    Does your solution depend on the temp table being read back in the same order in which it was loaded? That "gotcha" would have to be avoided at least by using an "order by" clause.

  • john.arnott (8/22/2008)

    Does your solution depend on the temp table being read back in the same order in which it was loaded? That "gotcha" would have to be avoided at least by using an "order by" clause.

    Yes, you are correct. But the OP never indicated what order was important (or even if order was important) so I had no choice but to also omit it.

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Could this sentences satisfy your requirements?

    declare @Table table(

    ID int not null,

    Dep money,

    Accum money


    insert @Table

    (ID, Dep)

    select 51004, 0 union all

    select 54796, 0 union all

    select 58585, -19079.347 union all

    select 62466, -113.57 union all

    select 66291, -113.57 union all

    select 70143, -113.57 union all

    select 74025, -113.57 union all

    select 77933, -113.57 union all

    select 81849, -113.57;

    select T1.ID, T1.Dep +


    FROM @Table T2

    WHERE T2.ID < T1.ID


    from @Table as T1


  • hi serinor

    the query you sent did exactly what i needed, and now i can continue with my work cause that was holding me up.

    thanks again and all of you guys who did contribute with this.

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