Creating Cursors??

  • I have been tasked with creating a query that will extract the credit score received for an account from a string of data for a specific date.


    The table that I am working with (CreditScoreQueue) has the following columns:

    ID, Account#, Queuetime, CCReceive (this column contains the string of data which holds the creditscore for each account)


    I can run a query on this table to get an idea of the accounts that were put in the queue for a specific date. Example query code below:


    select c.*

    from CreditScoreQueue  c

    where queuetime between '2004-08-26' and '2004-08-27'




    However, extracting an account’s score is a bit more difficult because it is imbedded in a big string of data. I already have a stored Procedure which can extract the credit score for a specific account if you know that account’s ID (which is a field that can be acquired from the Credit_Score_Queue table). Example of Stored Procedure and how to get one accounts score if you type in a specific ID:


    Declare @CCRecv varchar(4000)

    Declare @CreditScore nvarchar(5)

    Declare @ErrorText nvarchar(1000)


    select @CCRecv = CCReceive

    From CreditScoreQueue

    --where ID = 210

    where ID = 12471


    exec ieuser.ecsp_DecodeCCOutput @CCRecv, @CreditScore output, @ErrorText output

    Print @CreditScore + ' - ' + @ErrorText




    I’ve been told that if I know how to write a cursor, I could run the first select query above to get all the ID’s for accounts with a QueueTime on 8/26/2004, and pass those ID’s into a cursor to get the credit score for each account. But I am not sure how this is done. Any ideas?

  • This should work:

    Declare @CCRecv varchar(4000)

    Declare @CreditScore nvarchar(5)

    Declare @ErrorText nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR

     select c.CCReceive

     from CreditScoreQueue c

     where queuetime between '2004-08-26' and '2004-08-27'

    OPEN my_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

    INTO @CCRecv



     exec ieuser.ecsp_DecodeCCOutput @CCRecv, @CreditScore output, @ErrorText output

     Print @CreditScore + ' - ' + @ErrorText

       FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

       INTO @CCRecv


    CLOSE my_cursor

    DEALLOCATE my_cursor

  • Server: Msg 16924, Level 16, State 1, Line 40

    Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.


    I received the above error message. I modified the cursor to do the following:


    Declare @TransUnionRecv varchar(4000)

    Declare @CreditScore nvarchar(5)

    Declare @ErrorText nvarchar(1000)

    Declare my_cursor CURSOR FOR

     Select i.accountnumber, t.infiniteid, rtrim(ltrim(ISNULL (c.Business, '')))


    +' '

    +rtrim(ISNULL (c.[last], '')) 'Customer_Name',+ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(streetnumber, '')))

    +' '


    +' '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(StreetName, '')))

    +' '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(, '')))

    +' '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(StreetSuffix, '')))

    +' '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(Structure, '')))

    +', '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(City, '')))

    +', '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(, '')))

    +' '

    +ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL(cast(ZipCode as varchar(5)),'')))'Service_Address', t.QueueTime, TransUnionRecv

    from TUCreditScoreQueue t

    left join infiniteaccount i on t.infiniteid=i.systemid

    left join xr_infiniteaccount_aglaccount x on (x.infiniteaccountid= i.systemid)

    left join AGLaccount a on (a.systemid= x.aglaccountid)

    left join customername c on (c.systemid= a.customername)

    left join serviceaddress v on (v.systemid=a.serviceaddress)

    left join lu_thoroughfare q on q.value=v.thoroughfare

    left join lu_state y on y.value=v.state

    where QueueTime between '2004-08-27' and '2004-08-28'

    OPEN my_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

    INTO @TransUnionRecv



     exec ieuser.ecsp_DecodeCCOutput @TransUnionRecv, @CreditScore output, @ErrorText output

     Print @CreditScore + ' - ' + @ErrorText

       FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

       INTO @TransUnionRecv


    CLOSE my_cursor

    DEALLOCATE my_cursor

    I can't seem to figure out where my mistake was...

  • In your declare cursor statement, your select statement is returning many fields.  For each field in this select list, you must supply a variable in the FETCH NEXT statement to hold the value of the field in the same order as they appear in the select list.

    For your code above, BOTH of your fetch next statements would be

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor

       INTO @AccountNumber, @Infiniteid, @Address, @QueueTime, @TransUnionRecv

  • If you are trying to develop a single comprehensive select list with all the data, the cursor approach above would require using a temporary table to gather all the data one line at a time (instead of the print statement) and then a select * from the temp table and the end of the procedure. If that type of a resultset is your objective you may consider creating a function version of your stored procedure and calling it directly from a SELECT. If the existing SP is still needed for other purposes and you don't want to duplicate the code you could call the function from that SP as well (although a smidge more overhead).

    Note that although understanding how to use a cursor is important (they definately have their time and place) they can have a tendancy to impose unneccessary performance issues when there is a better approach available.

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