Creating groups at run-time

  • I have a request for a report to allow the user to render the output grouped by start of last name (A's, B's, C's, etc) and have each group print on its own page.  This action would be controlled from a report parameter ideally and the user would be able to toggle from normal output to this grouped style.  Creating a new group on the first character of the last name and setting Page Break after was easy.  The problem that I am having is how to enforce the toggling of styles.  The Visibility property of the group doesn't appear to do what I want.  Can groups be created at run-time?  What is the best way to achieve what I am after?Thanks
  • Hi,

    We use this kind of functionality a lot. This should get you started:

    1- Edit your Group

    2 - In the Group On option you should have something like this:

    =iif( Parameters!ReportGrouping.Value = 1, "What ever you did to retreive the first character of the last name","")

    Where the ReportGrouping Parameter  VALUE 0 = "No grouping"

                                                                    VALUE 1 = "First character of last name"


    I actually have reports running with multiple grouping options.



  • Hi Eric,

    I'm a real newbie at RS, can you explain how you have your parameters set up to allow for flexible grouping?  For example, I need to allow users to chose between the following grouping options:  Item, Station, Area or Zone (with Item being the default grouping if the user doesn't modify the group setting).

    I appreciate your help,


  • U can C a discussion about it in this forum:

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