Creating Linked Server Failed

  • I have db_DataReader role in server 2, I am admin of Server 1, I want to create a linked server to 2 from 1, I specify to use login's current security context, however, it returns me error saying failed for user 'NT Authority\Anonymous Logon', why my login is not picked up? Thanks

  • to use "be made with the logins security context", the user must be a user on the domain.

    if the user was a SQL user, an anonymous connection is made, which of course fails.

    if you need the SQLUser "bob" to use the equivilent "bob" on the other server, or some other specific user that is different,you need to map it explicitly:


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  • Lowell (1/16/2015)

    to use "be made with the logins security context", the user must be a user on the domain.

    if the user was a SQL user, an anonymous connection is made, which of course fails.

    if you need the SQLUser "bob" to use the equivilent "bob" on the other server, or some other specific user that is different,you need to map it explicitly:

    Thanks for the reply, I am a domain user and using windows authentication, that's why I don't understand here, I also verified my user id by suser_sname()

  • You are running into the two hop problem.

    This is why most linked server connections use a SQL auth login.

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