creating pivot tbl

  • i hsvd salary tbl fr employees which consists of empid salary components & amt as rows

    i need to create a pivot table so that i have output as

    empid basic da ta hra

    1 8888


  • I would be happy to help if you provide DDL in the form of a CREATE TABLE statement, sample data in the form of INSERT statements and your expected results.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • create table sal(empId nvarchar(10), sal_comp nvarchar(10), IncomeAmount int)

    --drop table sal

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'medical', 200)

    here sal_comp is dynamic

    need sample qry for both dynamic & also if it was static to have a better understanding

    i have

    DECLARE @columns VARCHAR(8000)

    SELECT @columns = COALESCE(@columns + ',[' + sal_comp + ']', '[' + sal_comp+ ']')

    FROM sal

    GROUP BY sal_comp

    DECLARE @query VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @query = '

    SELECT *

    FROM sal




    FOR [sal_comp]

    IN (' + @columns + ')


    AS p'


    but the output is not proper

  • You can go away from using PIVOT and use a traditional crosstab. This should help clear things up. There is a link to part 1 for static data as well:

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs By Jeff Moden[/url]

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Like This?

    --Creating Table

    create table sal

    (empId nvarchar(10),

    sal_comp nvarchar(10),

    IncomeAmount int)

    --Inserting Sample Data

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'medical', 200)

    --Static Pivot

    Select empId, [basic], [da], [hra], [ta], [medical] From sal


    (max(IncomeAmount) For sal_comp IN ([basic], [da], [hra], [ta], [medical]) ) As pvt

    --Dynamic Pivot

    Declare @col varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)

    Declare @temp table(Cols varchar(50) )

    Insert into @temp

    Select Distinct sal_comp From sal

    Select @col = Coalesce(@col + ', ', '') + Quotename(Cols) From @temp

    Set @sql = 'Select empId, '+@col+' From sal


    (max(IncomeAmount) For sal_comp IN ('+@col+') ) As pvt'

    Execute (@sql)

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • using the sql that i gve also give s me the same out put a this

    but this is not i need

    i mean i get the empid repeated

    i shld get only one row of each empid

  • ssurekha2000 (6/4/2012)

    using the sql that i gve also give s me the same out put a this

    but this is not i need

    i mean i get the empid repeated

    i shld get only one row of each empid

    Test your code with this sample Data. I added a duplicate "empid" for "Fred". It works fine.

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('SPIKE', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('JOHNS', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'medical', 200)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'basic', 100)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'da', 300)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'hra', 400)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'ta', 500)

    insert into sal values ('FREDS', 'medical', 200)

    Doesn't fetch duplicates.

    Try it.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • no i mean the output needed is

    empid 'basic' da ta hra medical

    SPIKE' 100 200 100 200 100

    JOHNS 100 200 200 200 200

    FREDS 100

    but instead i am getting empids repeated

  • ssurekha2000 (6/4/2012)

    no i mean the output needed is

    empid 'basic' da ta hra medical

    SPIKE' 100 200 100 200 100

    JOHNS 100 200 200 200 200

    FREDS 100

    but instead i am getting empids repeated

    I still haven't understood what you are trying to say. Can you come up with a better explanation of what you want to do?

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • I still haven't understood what you are trying to say. Can you come up with a better explanation of what you want to do?

    (S)he probably runs your entire code and gets 2 datasets. Just guessing. 🙂

    --Vadim R.

  • rVadim (6/5/2012)

    I still haven't understood what you are trying to say. Can you come up with a better explanation of what you want to do?

    (S)he probably runs your entire code and gets 2 datasets. Just guessing. 🙂

    I have tested the query on the Sample Data and get what I was intending to get. But, maybe we are not understanding what the OP is trying to say. So, that needs a little more explaining from the OP as (S)he clearly thinks that we are missing something.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • I just tested Vinu's Query, and can confirm there are no duplicates returned for the data set provided.

    Query :

    Select empId, [basic], [da], [hra], [ta], [medical] From sal


    (max(IncomeAmount) For sal_comp IN ([basic], [da], [hra], [ta], [medical]) ) As pvt

    and Output as below:

    empId basic da hra ta medical

    FREDS 100 300 400 500 200

    JOHNS 100 300 400 500 200

    SPIKE 100 300 400 500 200


    Visit my technical reference; you might find some of your issues already documented.

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