Creating table with identity field

  • I wish to create a temp table with a identity field, with the identity seed based on the ident_current of another table, the issue is that I CANNOT use dynamic sql,

    i am getting errors when I try to set the identity seed to a variable in the create table statement, are there any work arounds?

  • Geoff,

    You can create the temp table with the default identity seed and then use dbcc checkident('tablename',reseed,new_seed_value)

    CREATE TABLE #mytemp

    (col1 INT IDENTITY)

    DECLARE @new_seed INT

    SET @new_seed = 20

    DBCC CHECKIDENT('#mytemp',reseed,@new_seed)

    Hope that helps,

  • spot on, thanks

  • Or store the required starting value, then create your table with a seed of 0 and add the increment when you SELECT from the table. Is this for use in production/application code?

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

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