Creating Test and Prod env on SQL server 2K

  • I am new to SQL server, (I been in Oracle world). I been asked to create a test server registration on the same sever that hosts the Prod SQL server (consisting multiple DBs).  How do I do this?  Or is it possible at all?  Any help is appreciated.

  • If you want to put it on the same physical box you'll need to probably install a second instance. When you go through the SQL installation process, it will ask you to do default or named instance. You can have one default instance (which will be accessed at SERVERNAME), and several default instances (which are named with the scheme: SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME).

  • Thanks Aaron.  I will try this out.  I guess the current install that they have created is default, as it is refered as "local" on the physical box.  Is there a way to create another instance without going through the whole install process?

  • I would say No to your Query,

    You should install the another instance with all the binaries.

  • Thanks Hrudhay .  I have created another instance with all the binaries.

    Thanks to all who responded to my question, I deeply appreciate your help and time.

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