Creating views on multiple tables

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to create views using multiple tables from multiple databases????

    I have 4 servers which are connected remotely and the same database resides on all the servers, I want to create view by using all the databases of all the servers??

    I want to do this to make the database available for the user regardless of the connection that they connect to which server?? means data must be available to users either they connect to one server or other????

    your valuable guidelines and suggestions are welcome.

    Thanks in advance


  • Assuming the tables you want to expose in a single view are all the same, have you tried something like this?

    CREATE VIEW BillsView


    SELECT field_list

    FROM [server,port].database_name.dbo.table_name


    SELECT field_list

    FROM [server2,port2].database_name2.dbo.table_name;

  • hi,

    in SQL you can reference to each object using a 4-part name: [Server].[Database].[Schema].[Table]

    [Server] has to be registered as a Linked Server, for details have a look at books online (

    Depending on the amount of data the table on the other servers contain and the kind of view you might create (using joins over several servers) the peformance might be very poor.

    Depending on what you actually have on data and what you actually need there might be other solutions than views...

  • Hi Bills,

    Thanks a lot for your kind suggestions. Look you told me to do this, that one table from server1 union with one table from server 2. It works quite good, my I am looking for this,

    that more than one table from server 1 and more than one table from server 2, is it possible?????

    create view gvWDatabase


    select * from Accounts


    select * from Account_benefits


    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Accounts


    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Account_benefits

    Look here the first two tables Accounts and Accounts_benefits are from the server to which currently I am logging and the next two lines

    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Accounts


    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Account_benefits

    that two tables Accounts and Account_benefits are from the remote server Lahore which is registered as remote server.

    I want to add more than one table from one server and more than one table from 2nd server, is it possible???

    Please reply?

  • bilalhazrvi57 (5/30/2013)

    Hi Bills,

    Thanks a lot for your kind suggestions. Look you told me to do this, that one table from server1 union with one table from server 2. It works quite good, my I am looking for this,

    that more than one table from server 1 and more than one table from server 2, is it possible?????

    create view gvWDatabase


    select * from Accounts


    select * from Account_benefits


    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Accounts


    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Account_benefits

    Look here the first two tables Accounts and Accounts_benefits are from the server to which currently I am logging and the next two lines

    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Accounts


    select * from Lahore.PakistanPostOffice.dbo.Account_benefits

    that two tables Accounts and Account_benefits are from the remote server Lahore which is registered as remote server.

    I want to add more than one table from one server and more than one table from 2nd server, is it possible???

    Please reply?

    If it works for one table from another server, it should definitely work for more than one tables as well 🙂

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • hi,

    yes it works for one tables means it can access data from remote server and combine with currently logged server's table, but when i want to add two tables in view of current server and of remote server than it gives the error

  • bilalhazrvi57 (5/31/2013)


    yes it works for one tables means it can access data from remote server and combine with currently logged server's table, but when i want to add two tables in view of current server and of remote server than it gives the error

    What is the error you are receiving?

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • That is the error which i receives

    "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.


  • That error is correct only. You have to check whether there are equal number of columns in each of those tables. You can otherwise create CTE and post all the records in them.

  • bilalhazrvi57 (5/31/2013)

    That is the error which i receives

    "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.


    Please check the number of columns in your SELECT's

    It should be equal in all your queries that you are trying to combine in your View.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • if i have 3 tables in my 2 different databases each having different number of columns, then I have to create 3 views to combine all of them???? or i can do this by creating single view?????

  • You can bring all of them using a single view. But the number of columns across the select statement should be the same.

  • bilalhazrvi57 (5/31/2013)

    if i have 3 tables in my 2 different databases each having different number of columns, then I have to create 3 views to combine all of them???? or i can do this by creating single view?????

    -- This will not work

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 -- 3 Columns selected here

    FROM Table1


    SELECT Col1, Col2 -- 2 Columns selected here

    FROM Table2

    -- It has to be like below

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 ... Coln -- n number of Columns selected here

    FROM Table1


    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 ... Coln -- n number of Columns selected here

    FROM Table2

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Ed Wagner (5/30/2013)

    Assuming the tables you want to expose in a single view are all the same, have you tried something like this?

    This is where this comment comes into play. When you UNION SELECT statements together to form a single return table, you must return the same structure for each one. In other words, query the same columns. You can use subqueries and CTEs to get around this, but the return columns from a single SELECT statement must match in both name and data type.

  • thanks to all of you brother

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