CryptoAPI error using ADO w/MSDE2000

  • CryptoAPI function 'CryptAcquireContext' failed. Error 0x8009001d: Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly.

    Customer is getting the following error on MSDE 2000 w/SP1 installed on a NT 4.0 sp6 server when ADO 2.61 is executing some SQL statements using VB. No CryptoAPI calls anywhere in the code.

    I had them run the same SQL statements using 'osql.exe' and it works with no problems.

    The customer was using the application with no problems a couple weeks ago and claims that nothing has been installed since.

    Anyone seen anything like this? Any suggestions?

  • Is this on all clients? Are they sure nothing was changed on the client or server? My guess is something changed, but they do not remember or do not think it is related.

    Are they by chance running multi-protocol?

    Steve Jones

  • There is only currently a single client (Windows 98). They assured me that nothing new was installed --I pretty much have to take their word on it... Multiprotocol is disabled.

    The error occurs on the client running our application. It also occurs on the server when running our server utility app. Both make a ADO call into SQL Server and return a login recordset.

    Can you think of anything else to try? I'm thinking of having them uninstall/reinstall MDSE??

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