Crystal Reports forum

  • I have a co-worker who needs help with Crystal Reports and would like to know of good forum site. 

    Look forward to your response. 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Hello, Farrell: 

    Our resident Crystal Reports guru uses with reportedly (pun intended) excellent results.

    HTH - Linda

  • You might also offer Crystal's own forums at  Business Objects is their parent company.


  • We have just migrated to version 9 and they will not give us support.  They are telling us to migrate to 11  - it took quite a while to get all our reports into 9.   

    Hopefully she can use the other site mentioned or find a free one through google.  Lots popped up, but I am so spoiled with this site, it is hard for me to recommend something else to her...    

    Thank you for the suggestion, though. 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Ooohhh, we feel your pain here, Farrell.  Migration from our version 8 to 10 required visiting every report .  We may be considering XtraReports  Converting would be painful but no more so than keeping up with the CR versions!  Best of luck....

  • There's also a public Yahoo group I recently found here:

    It's nothing like SQL Server Central, but then again what is? 

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

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