CTE problem

  • Ldate is varchar type,

    it contains values '11/02/01' and 'ZZZZZZ'

    I need record only if value is date format, that is why in CTE I check isdate(Ldate) = 1

    1st I select only record with value '11/02/01'

    2nd from CTE I convert Ldate to int

    but WHERE gives an error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'ZZZZZZ' to data type int.

    --> T-SQL:

    with d (Ldate) as (select Ldate from dbo.Table where isdate(Ldate) = 1)

    SELECT *

    FROM d

    WHERE cast((right(ldate,2) + substring(ldate,4,2) + left(ldate,2)) as int) > 010101


    T-SQL works only If I put result in temp table and then run query


    select Ldate

    into #T

    from dbo.Table where isdate(Ldate) = 1


    SELECT *

    FROM #T

    WHERE cast((right(ldate,2) + substring(ldate,4,2) + left(ldate,2)) as int) > 010101


  • How about something along these lines:

    create table dbo.test1 (

    tid int identity(1,1) not null,

    ldate varchar(8) not null);

    insert into dbo.test1 (ldate)

    select '11/02/10' union all select 'ZZZZZZ';

    insert into dbo.test1 (ldate)

    select '11/02/01' union all select '11/02/00';

    select * from dbo.test1;

    with datesonly as (


    case when isdate(ldate) = 1 then cast(ldate as datetime) else cast('19000101' as datetime) end ldate




    isdate(ldate) = 1







    ldate >= cast('01/01/01' as datetime)


    drop table dbo.test1;

  • Using the case, you could eliminate the CTE as it may not be needed. It would help, of course, if we actually knew what you were trying to accomplish instead of just a small piece of it.

  • Use proper datatypes. Store date in date (not in varchar), int in int, etc.

    If you already have it wrong (dates in varchar field), why do you try to convert them to int (another wrong data type)?

    Nevertheless, is_date() is not reliable:


    Try to filter out various date formats with LIKE, and then use CONVERT with proper format number to convert to datetime.


    SELECT DateAsDatetime = CONVERT(datetime, t.DateStoredInVarchar, 1) -- 1 = MM/DD/YY

    FROM dbo.YourTable t

    WHERE t.DateStoredInVarchar like '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]' -- NN/NN/NN

    AND ISDATE(t.DateStoredInVarchar)

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    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers
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